Archive of entries posted on 17th August 2006
I’m Linking to This Because You Can’t Stop Me
Here are some photos from my honeymoon with the lovely and talented SarahK back in December. They’re of back when we were happy and in love and not the hollow husks of our former selves we are now, watching TV together in silence as we do all we can to avoid eye contact that might remind ourselves how much we now hate each other.
And there are pictures of chickens!
One Day the Sleeping Giant Shall Awake
But, until then, the old IMAO Podcasts are now available at a new URL:
We’ll get back to it one of these days; it was too good to leave dormant forever.
Making Spam Useful
Scott Adams has a great idea of what to do with the Social Security numbers of people who respond to spam.
Dead Terrorists – The Movie!
So what have you done today to help kill terrorists? Well, a number of people in Hollywood have put a full-page ad in the LA Times demanding all terrorists be killed. Actually, the phrase they used is “stop terrorism at all costs”, but that’s really good for Hollywood people.
Now, my question to Hollywood: Where are the terrorist-killing movies?
Isn’t it time for some big-budget action flick about some Rambo like character shooting his way into Mecca to take out a terrorist cell? I know the America public is just waiting to see a movie where terrorists die many ignominious deaths. Sure, those terrorists will try to hide behind women and children, but that won’t stop the American hero from killing them anyway since he’ll be a great shot and smart. And, when he kills them, he’ll have some humorous quip such as, “You dead now, terrorist!”
And such a movie is important. It would show people that killing terrorists is both necessary and fun, maybe getting more people to join the side in support of dead terrorists.
It’s almost a crime we haven’t had such a movie by now. Why won’t Hollywood give us what we want? We want to watch terrorists get what’s coming to them, but instead they make movies about gay cowboys.
Maybe they just haven’t had a good script yet. That’s hard to believe, since such a movie would write itself (at the beginning of each scene there are terrorists, at the end of each scene there are only dead terrorists; the middle just as to be changed up a little for each one). I know how to type and stuff, so I’ll write the script if given a good enough advance.
Oh! I just thought of a neat scene! One terrorist will start yelling, “Allah ackbar!” but, right after shouting, “Allah…”, the terrorists will go into an extended “Ack!” as he finds himself shot through the mouth by our hero, Frank J. This movie will be so cool! All you Hollywood execs reading this can start making me offers now.
The International Astronomical Union is currently working on a final definition of what a planet is so that the debate over whether Pluto is a planet or not will finally end and astronomers can finally tilt their telescopes back at the open bathroom window of their hot next door neighbor.
Thanks to some skillful detective work involving one of our contributors disguising himself as a janitor, IMAO has received a patrial list of the IAU’s list of planets and non-planets… (EDITORS: MARK AS EXLUSIVE TO IMAO)
Earth: Planet
Mars: Planet
Mars (the candy bar): Not A Planet
Planet Hollywood: Not A Planet
Jupiter: Planet
Venus: Planet
Public Enemy’s “Fear Of A Black Planet” album: Not A Planet
Venus Williams: Not A Planet
Pluto: Planet
Animal Planet Channel: Not A Planet
Saturn: Planet
Saturn (the car company): Not A Planet
Mercury: (see Saturn)
The Daily Planet: Not A Planet (or a real newspaper)
Neptune: Planet
On the Virtues of Killing Children
You know how the trolls (and guys with green helmets) try to counter every argument with pictures of dead children? Well, Grim at Blackfive has a post which should make those people’s heads explode: He’s arguing for killing children! Seriously!
Anyway, it’s sort of Nuke the Moon™ argument: violence produces peace while pacifism produces violence. Except Grim is arguing that, by worrying about killing children, more children die.
Well, one thing is for certain: War is not a pretty thing.
UPDATE: Here’s an example of lefties hyperventilating over this one.
Shorter tbogg: Instead of dealing with the argument, I reduce everything into what I believe to be a witty strawman as fodder for the muckadoos who read me.
Just look above, dingus, I paraphrased Grim’s argument pretty accurately; it’s really not that hard.
Carnival Of Comedy is up at Radioactive Liberty
Despite a bout with bad math, Radioactive Liberty has Carnival of Comedy #68. Thanks for to Michael for a Fitch’n Carnival.
Just Precious
Today’s Simpsons Trivia
1) In “Treehouse of Horror V”, what does Homer turn into a time machine?
2) In “Lisa’s Rival”, Ralph’s prize-winning diorama is composed of what?
3) Diorama-Rama is Principal Skinner’s favorite school event next to what?
4) In “Homer Goes to College”, Burns tells the government inspection team that the power plant makes what?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.