via spacemonkey
Archive of entries posted on 12th August 2006
some things never change . . .
via frank and hot air
More Instapundit – Less Glenn Reynolds?
(A Filthy LIe)
After returning from his recent vacation, Glenn Reynolds said:
I think the blog actually improves when I go away!
Is that really true? Let’s think about it…
* Fewer creepy pictures of Glenn showing off his flexibility by licking his own toes.
* Less Ann Althouse material when she’s actually guest-blogging.
* No drunken boasting about how he “taught Johnny Cochran his mad rhyming skillz”
* Don’t have to see that Michael-Moore-lookin’ Porkbusters pig.
* No tiresome WKC vs. AKC smoothies debates.
* If Glenn doesn’t leave, we don’t have to suffer through that obviously-bought-off-a-website “What I Did On My Vacation” essay when he returns.
* Always have a handy reference if you’re not sure how to spell “heh”.
* Or “update”.
* All you have to do to get an Instalanche is give “Army of Davids” a positive review – and sign your e-mail with your Communist Party membership number.
* When Glenn leaves town, the “Page 3 Girl” pic doesn’t always get updated.
Well, it’s a close call, but I’ll say better WITH Glenn.
By the way, Army of Davids is a great book.
Today’s Simpsons Trivia
1) (T/F) Selma takes Bart and Lisa to Itchy & Scratchy Land
2) Whose heart does Lisa break on television?
3) Bart wins first prize at the science fair by proving what?
4) What is Homer’s buddy Carl’s last name?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.