Anything provable is disprovable, so what would scientists consider to be evidence against global warming, i.e., if that happened, then global warming can’t be happening? It’s good to tack the scientists down on that answer now, as I’m sure otherwise they’ll just keep moving that bar.
When I was a kid it was the coming global Ice Age. There wasn’t time to wait on that one either, we had a crisis on our hands. Then suddenly all debate must end because we have a global warming crisis.
I don’t think either is happening, but if I had to pick, I vote for global warming. Longer summers, warmer winters and the rising ocean takes out the coastal left.
I’d say that to disprove “global warming” just prove that it isn’t “global” or it isn’t “warming”. Come to Chicago anytime after October and it’s pretty clear that there’s no warming here. Even if the rest of the planet is like a pig-on-the-spit, it isn’t warming in Chicago so it can’t be global. Of course, in Chicago it could be controlled by Mayor Daley or maybe someone bribed Mother Nature – we can’t be sure.
@Max: The trouble is that the greenies have taken the “dragon in my garage” argument (Google it) and applied it to their benefit. If you show a cooling trend, that’s actually a little hiccup in a larger warming trend that will show itself, just you wait. If you wait and it’s still a cooling trend, or you show other reasons for a warming trend, they have another handy dodge ready. As Frank is pointing out, there is no way to convince the True Believer.
(I have this problem with my wife all the time… O_o )
Yesterday it was in the Fifties here.
Today it is in single digits.
I was promised Global Warming. Who do I call to complain?
Call me crazy, but it would seem to me that evidence showing the earth is actually cooling would disprove global warming. There is evidence that this is what has happened over the last 8-9 years, yet the global warming crusade goes on.
You even hear people saying that extreme cold events are evidence of global warming. So, warmer temps are evidence of global warming and colder temps are evidence of global warming. What about normal temps? Yep, global warming.
In fact, life causes global warming and all evidence of life supports the global warming argument. So do your best to help the planet and kill as much life as you can. Guns are good for this, but flamethrowers might be faster.
Also, there’s all that crap you here about the Ozone Layer disappearing. What you don’t hear is that that phenomenon is seasonal. Every summer the winds carry chemicals up North that hurt the ozone layer. Every winter those winds stop and the layer goes back to normal. All those pictures you see with the big red-spot over the North Pole (“this is your Earth on Global Warming”) are taken during the latter time. I could go on, but the fact is that the scientific community stifles most research and results contrary to their beliefs. They are the information-Communists. Global Warming. Global Warming. Global Warming. Global…
With a little luck, we won’t need any evidence to counter the Gorbal warming theories as those that espouse them will die-out in the coming freeze and help ‘decrease the surplus population.’ Gee, aren’t I a scrooge just in time for Christmas?!
When libs tell me that something is causing global warming, I usually respond, “Know what else causes global warming? Nuclear fusion. Don’t mess with the right wing because we have the launch codes.” They usually leave me alone after that.
So why is it if you ask a leftist to “show me the science” they can’t? Is it that it doesn’t exist or that only a few of the elite have access to it and the “rest” of us are too low to be included?
If “they” do share with us their commandments, it is always the same page, never anything to cooberate it.
I like to blasheme and show them 10 or 12 independant studies that prove them wrong. It really makes for pretty displays of lights and sounds as their heads explode.
Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that for destruction, ice is also great and would suffice.
Never confuse science with religion. And make no mistake about it, Global Warming is religion. You can’t argue matters of religious faith because facts aren’t important.
But you did nail it with exactly the right question to tweak a warmer with. If a proposal isn’t falsifiable it ain’t science. They give lip service to that principle everywhere except environmetal issues, there we are all supposed to simply believe.
If ya want me to take GW seriously we need a consensus on a set of computer model runs making a prediction a decade from now… then we wait a decade. As things stand now no publicized model from the early nighties predicted the cooling trend we have been experiencing. None from the late nighties say it coming. We can’t predict the weather a week out with any sort of accuracy. We can’t predict it a year out. We can’t make a prediction a dacade out. But we are expected to believe they can make a prediction for a century out with sufficient skill we should panic, turn to socialism and kill off 75% of the population based solely on a computer model.
I only have one question for AL Gore and his ilk. What are you idjits smoking?
From all indications, it would take a hundred years and a few trillion dollars in “grants”…i.e. hookers, lab equipment, and video games.
Disprove the fact that flying pink Leprechauns exist somewhere in the universe.
Bar moved. Again. Oh yes try it here. They are the indecisive housewive of science.
My favorite liberal line is : “Please cite a peer reviewed paper supporting your position”
…..of course if you have bad enough bull shite detecto then let’s say you find one……
Their response of course will be to trot out some other paper that says the exact opposite since there is an infinity of papers.
… which you must say “we must do an exhaustive survey of all papers on the subject. Whoever wrote the most + or – on the topic wins.
These guys are like the guys who think they won an argument if you mispell a word
As with any liberal concept or idea, it is not healthy to confuse them with the facts. For their ideas are not based on facts, they are all based on faith…faith that mankind is good, faith that we all came from monkeys, faith that social programs are the path to utopia and faith that shaving a few inches off of their carbon footprint somehow will make them to have contributed to a righteous cause.
Yes, they are absolutely sure that there are no absolutes, they will use violence to insist on peace, and don’t you dare shove your morality down their throats but they sure try to shove their immorality down yours.
Why, God Himself could tell them that global warming is a ruse, but it is far easier, the liberal thinks, to worship a planet which does not have a set of moral standards than listen to a God who does.
So you can try to tell them, but they won’t listen.
It’s snowing in Vegas today. Not an hour long flurry like we get every three or four years……all. day. long. And it’s supposed to snow tomorrow as well.
My friend who is a native (I think there is only 592 of them born before 1995) assures me she has NEVER seen it snow for such a long period of time in Vegas.
I seem to remember when I was in grade school we were told we were heading for a mini ice age…..hmmmmm
There are many leading scientists who believe global warming to be junk science. You don’t hear from them because the media will not publish their comments even for free.
Supposedly, the North Pole was almost completely melted this summer? And Jimmy Buffet was still hanging around in the Keys no?
C’mon folks. CO2 comprises less than Four 10ths of One Percent of Earth’s Atmosphere.
It’s a scam
It’s all about money.
It’s all about creating carbon footprint based taxes that will do jack shit about the climate even if there was a problem
What is the number one issue on Earth Today? Resources. Food – Water. I say we NEED global warming. Plants like CO2 like we like sex. Let’s crank up the CO2. Let’s get some food growing in a lot more places.
Oceans rising? Antarctica is larger Now in overall size than at any time in measurement history. That’s a fact.
It’s a Scam. It’s Money.
PammyV. I saw a show recently on the science channel. They made a very convincing case showing that ice ages in Earths history came along Very Quickly; 15-20 years I’d be more worried about the next ice age.
Are we so arrogant as a species that we believe we can tell Earth’s climate future.??? Then arrogant times the power of 10 to believe we could actually do something about it ??????????
My God.
Sea level seems like a good way to establish global temperature trends. It won’t tell you why it’s warming or cooling, but when if we see the statue of liberty waste deep in water, it’s going to be an indication of warming.
ha – I spelled it “waste” thats not meant as a comment on the Atlantic Ocean water quality of the future – or hmm – maybe it is.
December 15th, 2008 at 4:54 pm
“All those pictures you see with the big red-spot over the North Pole (”this is your Earth on Global Warming”) ”
Funny, Global Warming is supposedly caused by an excess of atmosphere, the hole in the Ozone is caused by a deficit, and if it was bad enough would cause extremes of both warm and cold. Two separate, unconnected phenomenon, in other words, those pictures wouldn’t make sense.
“Power, money, persuasion, supplication, persecution – these can lift at a colossal humbug – push it a little – weaken it a little, century by century, but only laughter can blow it to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.”
– Mark Twain
Well said and spot on! (Love your screen name by the way). Your comments reminds me of this definition of LIBTARD.
Liberal left-wing-nuts, and their ilk, will NEVER be convinced that they are wrong about global warming.
They simply will NOT listen to the “Inconvenient Truth”!
Semper Fidelis
God started global warming in the late 70’s in response to the scientists freaking about “Global cooling”. “Hey anyone remember Acid rain? We are all lucky to have not melted thus far!
O’ Doyle Rules!
You shall not question Global Warming! It is proven scientific fact! It is proven…damn it…(stamps teeny tiny little feet in fits of rage)!!! Global Warming is not to be questioned! Do not question Global Warming! Global Warming is true! Global Warming is not false!
There see, I proved it! If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth! Check out evolution some time…
How to prove global warming? AKA Algore’s invention to make himself relevant (as well as wealthier).
Duh. Call it “climate change” instead, since the climate is always changing. In my day they called that “seasons,” and in places like the Midwest they still have four of ’em.
I say bring on
global warmingclimate change: no more heavy coats or scraping ice off the windshield, and picnics outdoors every day.“Later on…we’ll perspire…as we sit…in the fire…to face unafraid…the plans that we made…walking in a Summer Wonderland…”
@ #25 Rightjabs, that was a great definition of LIBTARD…and it was 100% correct in every aspect and every way. Wish I would have written it. And, yes, you, too have a fine screen name; together, I am sure that we could get our point across to the liberal morons…:)
20. Cincinnati Bob:
You’re right. When the answer isn’t clear, follow the trail. It usually leads back to green (green as in money, amazing amounts of money).
Still freezing in my neck of the woods. No end in sight. I’d love a little warming; huddling under a squiggly lightbulb doesn’t cut it, no matter how many hours it lasts.
Isn’t it time some of you engineers invented the Al GOreAWAY machine? Make it from recycled materials and be certain it’s reusable a few thousand times over so all of the Chicken Littles will feel good while being annihilated. My thanks in advance.
Global Warming is a funding tool for those to lazy or stupid to actually think of something real to investigate in the scientific community . They merely have to convince the democrats to fund it, thats easy, just offer them their share and they will gladly spend taxpayers money. Facts are unnecessary, logic is not useful, common sense unneeded. That is the Democratic way.
To prove global non-warming, use the same test as Boromir used when he determined that the young lady with a scary hat and a carrot for a nose was a witch, in Monty Python and the Holy Grail:
How do we know its global warming? “Because the earth is getting hotter!”
What makes the earth hot? “Fire! A smaller fire! An ice cycle that is hot!”
What does fire do? “It burns!”
What else burns? “Witches on a fire! Or the sun!”
So if the sun heats the earth like fire heats the earth, could the sun be causing global warming? “YES! YES! YES!”
Can we put out fires and not have heat? “YES! Stop global warming! Put out fires!”
Can we put out the sun and not have heat? “You’re a witch – burn him!”
Oh, well, its a fair cop….
Back in the beginning of the 20th century the Carnegie Foundation sent some folks out to Utah to dig up dinosaur bones for their museum. Long story short, they did but brought back the wrong head for their dinosaur. 40 years that dino was exhibited, with the WRONG head.
Science exact, factual and unassailable.
(why I’m a history major, that and my laughable math ability)