Two Americas

I have this neat idea. I think I’ll have to work on it and expand it and you can help out, but here’s what I got so far. Anyway, this idea, like all great ideas, comes from John Edwards: What if we had two Americas?

Hear me out: Now we conservatives all want freedom, and there is no other country in the world even close to the freedom of America. That’s why we get so angry at liberals; they try to screw that up even though there are plenty of crappy socialist, nanny-state countries already. They look down on patriotism, so why don’t they leave America? Because they’re lazy, and deep down they don’t want to be away from the protections of the USA.

The thing is, the sissies who want the government to take care of their worthless selves screw things up for those of us who want freedom and the government to leave us alone, but we can’t get rid of those sissies. So that’s where the two Americas come in.

See, we’ll have one America where it’s super difficult to pass any laws and especially any taxes and a second America where liberals can have all the government programs and crap they want. They’ll both be protected by the same military, but otherwise they shall not interfere with each other. We can call the two Sissy America and Free America. I’m not sure of how we’ll parse that out geographically, but make sure to include Idaho in Free America because I don’t want to have to move.

I think this is a workable idea. Liberals can keep all their goofiness; they just have to geographically confine it. Conservatives can then get their bubble of freedom in this world to do what they want and liberals don’t have to be scared that nasty freedom will hurt them. We’ll all still be Americans. Yay!

So what if liberals can’t keep enough business in sissy America to support all their government programs? That’s the thing; we don’t have to care. That’s their problem. They can’t take our money to do it. If they try, they need to remember we have lax gun laws. Try to make all your money making movies and drawing pictures and whatever the hell liberals do and leave us alone; we have real work to do, suckas!

So how would we draw this up? I guess we can just make most of both the coasts Sissy America; that’s probably easiest for everyone. And the Sissy Senators of the Sissy States will have to have a separate Sissy meetings to discuss Sissy laws. The Senators and Representatives from the Free States probably won’t have enough to do to make it a full time job; maybe then we can elect people who do real work instead of just lawyers.

I think this is an excellent idea with a lot of possibilities. I’ll have to keep thinking on it and draw up an official proposal. Maybe even liberals will like the idea of not having us conservatives block them and we can get them on board. Then we have a movement.


  1. Love the idea Frank! However, you will have a bit of a marketing problem with your current nomenclature. See, liberals don’t think they’re sissies, they think they are wise and compassionate. Conversely, they think conservatives are selfish and stupid and mean.

    Liberals will never go for the plan if their area is called Sissyland. And, even worse, they might want to be part of something called Freeland — and that would screw everything up for us. So I say call their area Compassionland and ours Selfishland. We’ll know that our land is really free, not selfish and they can go make themselves feel superior by living in a place called Compassionland.

  2. I’m diggin’ this idea. I’m here in Ohio. We’re pretty split, but I think if we had a long “come to Jesus” about it, we’d end up in Free America. Actually, come to think about it, more states than you might think would. Those states that are only blue because of unions and stuff will probably end up in Free America.

  3. Or how about we just ship them all to the moon and execute The Operation? But if you’re really set on this “Two Americas” thing, then I want Pennsylvania in the good America. Outside of Philly and the people who move here from Maryland and New York to escape high taxes and then vote for a governor who raises taxes, builds casinos, and orders his state police escort to drive the limo at 100 miles an hour so he can make it to his interview on the Philadelphia Eagles pre-game show, it ain’t too bad here.

  4. We’ll need new national mottos, too. Instead of “E Pluribus Unum,” they can use “Hope and Change,” and we can use “Bitter and Clingy (So Don’t Tread On Us, We Have Guns).”

    I like where this is going…

  5. You’re too late, and your solution wouldn’t last. We already have two Americas protected by the same military, and whose tax dollars are not transferable (at least not outrightly so). One of them is called the United States of America; the other one is called Europe.

  6. I love this idea. I think the hardest part to work out logistically would be states like Ohio and Pennsylvania. Can we dissect certain cities from these states? Regardless, I think it’s important to have boundaries that keep each side connect. I concur with your idea of making each coast Sissy. I think we should bridge these together by giving them Arizona (simply because of McCain), New Mexico, Colorado, a strip along the Rio Grande (if they love illegals so much, let them enter through their own border), southern Louisianna (FEMAland), and the narrowest of margin along the Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast to connect to Florida.

    One caveat is that I think we should keep Georgia, except for the area needed to keep the Sissies connected.

    An added benefit is that Free America now has a buffer zone to protect us from a sea assault. Sure, it would be like being protected by France, but at least we’d hear the enemy coming.

  7. That is just a fantastic idea. Of course, since we’d be sharing a common military, we need some way of governing the common assets and services of the two States (in the archaic sense of independent sovereign entities, rather than the modern sense of American provinces). Clearly, since we are sharing a common military, we are sharing common diplomatic relations with other countries, so we need something like the State Department and it needs to have to sole power to conduct diplomacy for both States. Well, what we’re talking about is a very small and very limited common government, so the government will need a treasury and similar administrative functions. Probably also it would need a place that is not controlled by either the Sissy America or the Free America, so that there’s common ground on which the government could meet. That also implies a few things like the government being able to make laws for the use of government property and being able to print money that’s accepted in both States (so the government can pay its bills in the States, as well as the salaries of government employees). And while we are on the subject of the military, we don’t want one of the two States to get the upper hand, and use the military to overpower the other State. (You don’t think the Sissy America would do this if it could? Dream on!) So we will want to limit the military to a small force in peacetime, for example by limiting how far ahead their funds could be budgeted, and restricting the common government’s funds (about which see below). And we’d of course want both the Sissy America and the Free America to be able to have their own armed forces, sufficient in size and capability to defeat the common government’s ordinary forces. This could be provided by simply arming the citizens of the States, or allowing them to build their own armies (like the National Guard, but not subject to the common government’s control).

    Besides the military, we’d need some method of communications between the States, like a Post Office. And we’d want to make sure that the government couldn’t tax us for stuff that’s not common to all the States, so we’d have to get rid of direct taxation and just use excise taxes and the like to fund those few common things between the Sissy America and the Free America. While we’re at it, we would also want to prevent the common government from having any power to pass laws on the citizens of the two States, except where they are employees of the government, or on government property. And of course that also means that each of the two States would need its own government, to make the laws its people want, regardless of the laws wanted by the other State.

    In order for all this to work, people would have to be free to move between the two States, and the common government would have to make sure that each state was structured so that it couldn’t remove the common, basic protections of all Americans, like freedom of expression and association. Oh, and there’d have to be a way to resolve disputes between Free America and Sissy America, or businesses or people in one of the two States and business or people in the other.

    One thing we also want, thinking back on the discussion about the military, is a way to keep Sissy America from overpowering Free America by simply importing people from South of the border until they can outvote us. So we’d want to have some kind of government structure that is responsive to the States equally, though I admit we’d still want to have some way of having the people represented by their numbers, so maybe some kind of hybrid is best.

    But that’s it, really; we wouldn’t need anything else in order to live our lives in peace and freedom. So there is a more complete and better-written explanation of my idea here.

  8. I would suggest that we just go ahead and name Sissyland California, but I would hate to let them have the really good weather that goes with it. How about “New England”?

    They can even have the sports teams that go with the land, although I suspect that they will quickly ban football, if not all sports altogether. Kinda goes part and parcel with being a sissy.

  9. Great idea Frank, but I thought you lived in Texas… (Yeah, 2008 was busy for me and I got behind on my IMAO reading).

    Re: #11 BackwardsBoy

    S. Padre Island, Dauphin Island or Ft. Walton Beach (yes we get Florida and everything south of the Mason-Dixon line). They get the West coast and Northeast only.

  10. Where ever Sissyland is located, we must have large fences because there will be buggerin’ a plenty going on in Sissyland and we in Freedomland do not wish to walk around with our butts to the wall at all times! I’m probably going to have to move since I live in Sissyland (MN) now…sigh… I love your idea, however and I would like to be nominated Secretary of The Treasury for Freedomland! I can’t do any worse than Henry Paulson…

  11. A lot of corporations have something kind of like this where they issue different classes of stock. For instance, the Ford family only controls about 7% of the stock of the Ford Corporation but they control 40% of the voting stock and effectively control the corporation. It might be a bit simpler to just issue Sissy Stock and Super Stock. Some white-collar laws like taxes, employment and welfare eligibility would be applied differently depending on which stock you owned. This way, nobody has to actually move but we can still have the weenies segregated like they should be.

  12. Ok, let’s get serious here. Proposed laws / constitutional planks for Freedomland:

    * My wallet is private property.

    * If you take my property without my permission, you’re dead.

    * Be your brother’s keeper on your own time and money.

    * Leave me alone; I’ll leave you alone.

    * What I do for a living is none of your business unless I make it your business.

    * Who I associate with is none of your business unless I make it your business.

    * The individual is sovereign. Without that sovereignty, there is no “state.”

    * Sovereign members of the “state” agree to abide by and be responsible for “we hold these truths to be self-evident.” If not, you’re dead.

    I nominate cptnmoroni as Secretary of Death.

  13. Oh, and Ussjimmycarter for Secretary of Money. You’ll have to transition from Secretary of No Buggerin’, ussjc, but that’s acceptable. I figure anyone in Minnedesoto who drives a green, ’59 Nash Rambler HAS to be frugal and conservative with money!

  14. Well, there are a couple of problems with this idea.

    The Sissies (I’ll use the abbreviated version of their name) are going to want to take the money from us (Free people). They don’t do anything to create wealth and thus can’t support the largesse of their Sissy state. We hillbilly, Jesus loving, gun-toters exist to provide money for their government and they won’t go away quietly. They don’t have jobs, so they have all day to protest and scream while we’re working.

    Yes, we have the guns and good enough numbers. However, I think we lack the fortitude to shoot the Sissy creeps who desperately deserve it. We are actually the compassionate ones. Look at charitable contributions and who gives them. We totally smoke them in number of givers and the value of the gifts. Clintons give used underwear. Conservative types give cash and lots of it.

    Texas has beaches. And aside from Moscow on the Colorado (Austin), we’re pretty much all Freedom Lovin’ Folks. Unfortunately, North of Corpus Christi the water is brown and hideous. But around Corpus it gets blue. We could negotiate for the panhandle of Florida.

    The common military won’t work. We’d be supplying all the people and they’d want to use it for “Meals-on-Wheels” or some such worthless crap. We’d want them to be used only for situations where there’s a legitimate national interest, like killin’ terrorists and their enablers. Compare the Blackhawk Down incident in Somalia with either Gulf War and you’ll understand what I mean.

  15. Chief SCOTUS SCROTUS, cptnmoroni. I’d put myself out of a job with your suggestion. Health and Human Services policy would be:

    Be Healthy!
    Serve Yourself.
    Office Closed.

    (ussjc isn’t biting)

  16. Superb ideas forming here. I like the “preferred stock” idea over hard geographical boundaries. Some blue states actually have things of interest I’d like to visit some day, and I’d rather not have to go through all the TSA bullsnot while going through the turnstile into Loserland. If there are no boundaries, just a caste system based on one’s sissyness, I can still go to Yosemite without a passport. We can use a variation of colored dots on foreheads (like they did in India) to indicate each person’s status. The Freedomland citizens will carry handguns with laser sights. That will be the caste mark for us. The losers in sissyland will have little glowing red laser-sight dots on their foreheads. That will be the caste mark for them.

  17. There will be no secretaries except what we actually need. Seeing as we’re pretty much only going to need, as the founders intended, foreign relations from our federal government, we can eliminate anything but secretary of defense. See, because we’ll need nobody to negotiate or anything once we go through with Operation NtM.

  18. But that’s it, really; we wouldn’t need anything else in order to live our lives in peace and freedom. So there is a more complete and better-written explanation of my idea here.
    Jeff Medcalf says:
    January 6th, 2009 at 1:06 pm “

    I was going to write something similar about federalism, but you summed things up rather nicely with the bigger picture.

  19. And innominatus has come up with the best idea to segregate us, as usual.

    For Joey, we do need some other departments of the government. Like seanmahair would be an excellent Secretary of Motherin’ where her only job would be to remind us to close the door, sit up straight, and eat our vegetables. This single woman would replace the current welfare system in it’s entirety.

    And we still need an Energy Secretary to help take care of any huge mutant bugs that might show up. I don’t know about you but I don’t own an arsenal large enough to fight off Rodan and Mothra at the same time. Do you know enough about Energy to be a Secretary?

    Somebody has to police the streets. The entire law enforcement forces of Free America will be rolled into the Department of Death and every citizen will become a volunteer member of the agency. It’ll be like a posse from those old western movies but with laser sights on our guns and a 25 foot concrete wall around the border.

    We can turn the EPA into the Eat Pinko Americans and the main point will be to breed some really big, really hungry rottweilers and turn them loose in Berkeley, Austin, and Detroit. We could also starve a few lions and drop them in the Seattle area.

    Unfortunately, there are a few government agencies that we do need. However, they don’t necessarily need to be anywhere near the size nor the scope of the agencies as they now exist.

  20. It wouldn’t work.
    The sissy Americans count on being able to tax the rest of us to support their pipe dreams. Without regular America providing most of the money, they would have to scale back all their welfare projects.

  21. Hey I’m glad to see Idaho gets to be on the winning team! Perhaps Idaho could be made into sonething like the District of Idaho (Columbia) and evetually would become the new center of the world. Of course there would have to be special gun laws and that would require all citizens to carry at all times.

    In dividing the country I thought why not down the middle geographically but then realized, hey, that puts California in my new country and it belongs on the East coast.

    So then I pondered dividing according to the Red State-Blue State thing but you realize that it limits your access to ocean ports. Besides, can you imagine the navy of North America made up of only Blue State seamen. Talk about the buggerin’ that would be going on, even the seals wouldn’t be safe. I’m also concerned about the sperm whales.

    Both countries would have to have a new national bird. I would presume the left would choose the “dirty bird” and the right would choose the “Bronco”. I know, the Bronco is not a bird but in Idaho land (temporary name not meant to confuse or offend) we wouldn’t have to be so damn PC about everything.

    I would like to be commerce secretary if nobody minds. One rule that I would enact is that any commerce between the la la leftland and Idaho land would be that citizens would have to wear latex gloves when handling any thing coming from the left. You can never tell what those sh**heads were doing while they handled your stuff.

  22. In Freedomland if your name is Marcos Mancusos you will be loaded into the HomoCannon (formerly known as the MexiCannon) and you shall be fired back into SissyLand! UssJimmyCarter shall be proud to serve alongside his long-time partner in crime Jimmy on this detail to rid the country of undesirables…

  23. #10 failed to get the jist of what is coming. Those losers in sissyland will not be able to pay for joint military, nor will they be willing to join, nor support the military. Therefore all of the military will be part of the new Free America and we will easily be able to conquer, torture, and fodderize those from sissystan. the misfortunate hippies from sissyland are far too lazy and the rest are far to stupid to realize thay are mere playthings for Free America’s amusement. Bwaaaahhahahah. We can play frankenfurter ball, the drag the pelousy across the coals and broken glass game, and the pin the tail on that one game.

  24. I really like this idea. But what happens to all of the apathetic people who don’t even bother to vote? These same folks wouldn’t have backbone (nor brains enough) to decide which part of the new Separated States of North America they would like to live.

    I’m thinking that if they are unable to make a decision, each side would have one year to win them over to their side via bribery, deep tissue massage, money, or even good old plain talkin to…no holds barred. If at the end of that year any of these “middle of the road” types aren’t able to make a decision they would then be chemically transformed into zombie-like creatures and divided equally between the two new America’s to do with as they wish.

    Oh sorry, that’s a bit too Matrix-like, isn’t it?

    I have to admit, the only thing that annoys me more than a Liberal is the person who “isn’t interested in all that political stuff.”

  25. On #14
    # Selkirk says:
    January 6th, 2009 at 1:40 pm

    I would suggest that we just go ahead and name Sissyland California, but I would hate to let them have the really good weather that goes with it. How about “New England”?

    They can even have the sports teams that go with the land, although I suspect that they will quickly ban football, if not all sports altogether. Kinda goes part and parcel with being a sissy.

    We should just greenhouse global warming alert their butts to United Antartica just like in Children Of The Corn.

  26. 32, ussjimmycarter,

    Your “partner in crime Jimmy”? That’s disgusting. I hereby retract my nomination of ussjimmycarter, and will not consent to any nomination of said character until he discloses the full extent of his criminal record.

  27. I have a solution for the problem with the Sissy states controlling the coasts. There would have to be ocean access for the Good states, so I propose that the bottom third of both California and Florida (prime real estate) and the top quarter of Washington state and the entirety of North Carolina become “access roads” of sorts that are only able to be used by supporters of the Good states. I would imagine both Canada and Mexico wouldn’t be thrilled to know that we control the important borders, especially because we will be the ones with the guns.

    Just a thought.

  28. Yeah, I don’t know any Marcos Mancusos (notice peculiar spellings) so I’m not sure who ussjimmycarter was talking about there, Marko. Marcos Mancusos sounds like a guy who would hang out at KOS. In fact, UssJimmyCarter isn’t the way he refers to himself, either. Maybe his Nash broke down or its an imposter.

  29. How about we set up Sissy America for the Libtards and then wait for some border incident to use as an excuse to go in and clean them out completely and then reunite the country into one Free America liek the Founders envisioned?
    happiness = NO LIBERALS!

  30. I once suggested that freedom, peace and safety could survive in walled cities while the world collapsed into anarchy.
    (as in ‘Mad Max, Beyond Thunderdome’, only cleaner).
    I see I was thinking too small.
    We put the walls around the cities, but the locks are on the Outside of the gates.
    Freedom, peace and safety survive out in the open and the Cities collapse into anarchy.
    (as in ‘Excape from New York’).
    It’s mostly urban types who vote for sissy welfare candidates anyway.
    Don’t let a few million big city snobs continue to run whole states into the ground!
    Let every metropolitan area become a ‘District’ like the District of Columbia, seperated from the states that spawned them, and see how the small town folks react.
    “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty! We’re free at last!”

  31. Of course this is the only idea that works (outside of possible Alaskan secession); but do we really have to include the majority of both coasts? That’s going to make trade pretty darn difficult, don’t you think? They can have NY (and north) but not Jersey. Ok if I have to move I will, but the whole coast? Let’s rethink that bit a little.

  32. By the way, 4 of 7, I’ve been saying that all along about the cities; and we’ve finally reached the tipping point, where we are under the tyranny of the urbanites. They’ve managed to outpopulate the people with brains and ability, the people who actually do things. I’ve been all for walling off all the NYC inlets and outlets and letting it disintegrate since somewhere in the late 70s. (It helps living so close by – I know what it’s like there. Wall it off; let the sane people leave first.)

  33. I love this idea. They get the liberal left coast and the other left coast. We get Texas, the Gulf Coast, Florida, the Midwest, the South and Alaska. States like Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan will have to expatriate their hippy lefties to somewhere on the coast.

    We get the food, including beef, chicken, pork and the seafood from the gulf as well as wheat, barley, corn and oats. They get cranberries, tofu and bean crud oh sorry curd (my bad). We get Notre Dame, they get Harvard. Oh and they get Hollyweird, and New York. I know it’s not fair to them but hey, they worked hard to make those places the Sodom and Gomorrah (sic- it’s late, I’m too tired to spell check that) they are today. That kind of effort should be rewarded.

    Since they don’t care too much for our military, we get them too. They can have all the diplomats, politicians and mobsters (all the same really).

    I think this idea has legs (at least better legs than anyone in the Democratic party including the Silky Pony) Go for it Frank.

  34. That’d be great. I could learn all about creationism in the Free States instead of this evolutionary biology crap. Leave that information out of schools and give me information I can actually understand. Damn sissy hippies.

  35. Well, the first problem is that liberals love hijacking names that have anything to do with freedom. Case examples; “Radio Free America” when the more truthful name would have been “The Marxist Broadcasting System”, and switching their states to “blue” when “Red” would have been more appropriate. If we came up with a cool name for our 3/4’s, the “sissies” would cary out, Like, no way, man…we want to call ourselves that!” Therefore, we need to think up something awful to call ourselves initially, like “The Pink Triangle Triad”, let them steal it, then make them thing we’re pissed for having them steal it.
    Secondly, we need to reenforce our boarders with guns. Big guns and lots of them, with orders of shoot to kill anyone or anything that comes within 1/2 mile of our boarders. Most of us here in Northern Nevada have had that suggestion with our boarder with The Peoples’ Republic of California, but with Harry Weed in office, it’s unlikely. Other than Illegal aliens and the dead, Calimarxist transplants are responsible for putting Skelitor in office. 20 years ago, Nevada used to be solidly conservative, with 1/3 of the population being military, but then the Comiefornians rushed the boarder, fleeing from the high taxes and property prices they had created; now like a cancer, our state has been overrun, and they are voting in the same stuff they claim they came here to escape. Lesson; liberalism has to be wiped out like a cancer before it takes over the entire body.
    The good thing, though, is that if we separate “Freedomland” from “Sissyland”, Sissyland won’t last more than 20 years before being completely bankrupted. Meanwhile, we can begin rebuilding neutron bombs (wipes out everything living, but leaves buildings intact). The minute the “sissies” ask for aid, give it to them by pushing “the button”.
    I herby nominate my shop for positions on the “final solution” team…for a couple of years, several of us have been devising ways to surgically eliminate the lower 3/4 of California, Portland and Western Washington while leaving the conservative areas intact. Elsewhere though…the entirety of Massachusetts has to go for the single reason of continually reelecting Ted Kennedy. Minnesota can be saved…we just have to incite the Viking blood of the majority of the population. I’m mostly Scandinavian myself; most of us are “Leave us alone and we’ll get along”, but when pushed too far, and incite Thor and Odin,,,hand us some large hammers and axes, and it’s Armageddon in the making. Frankenfraud would look a lot better with a battle axe planted deeply into his forehead.

  36. The yuppies on the coast don’t know
    what the folks in the heartland do.
    We raise their beef and chickens,
    their wool and cotton too.
    ‘Fly-over country’, they call us
    and think they’re pretty smart.
    But they live in a land of concrete
    that doesn’t have a heart.
    North or South, they call us rednecks
    ’cause we live where the sky is blue;
    Yeah sure, the South is Country,
    but the North is Country too!

    We like rodeos and county fairs
    and NASCAR just like you.
    Yeah sure, the South is Country,
    but the North is Country too!

  37. I’m liking the idea. Didn’t a Russian political analyst recently predict that the US would break up? See here.

    We could alleviate those difficulties with the Frank Plan.

    However, as others have noted, the sissies won’t like the names. They’re doublespeak types, so we should obviate their objections by calling the two entities “Strong, Noble, Freeland” (where the sissies live) and “Benighted, Superstitious Neanderthalland” (us). It should work because we, having the only senses of humor, can enjoy the irony.

  38. Pingback: IMAO » Blog Archive » Two America Follow Up

  39. The idea of two Americas is practical but by splitting North and South America not North America itself as it would be best for the liberal wuss who can’t stand cold weather or anything discomforting without severe complaining. Being the liberals are so compassionate towards illegal aliens they could best serve their love of humanity by supporting all the people who have no regard for following proper regulatory procedure in entering legally into a nation.
    They can preach their socialism to a more receptive audience who wouldn’t be opposed to a supplemental socialized government.
    Their bubble however would be soon burst along with their dream of a life of leisure once they realize there are no funds within the treasury to support the liberal idealism of fending for all the starving third world nations.
    Good and evil shall forever follow every walk of life as it is human nature, so long as man walks the face of this earth they shall have the dilemma of how to protect their selves being the liberal mindset abhors violent weapons.
    They believe rational communication will deter civil disobedience and prevent violence. The bad guys, according to the liberal distorted ideals of Utopia, will succumb to the logics and practice of rational behavior thus they’ll denounce evil ways to live forever more in peace, harmony and brotherly love.
    Once the liberalized South American nation has been implemented and living in their fantasy world the North American conservative nation with all means available to them through the promotion of capitalism, free enterprise, the rewarding of entrepreneurs to develop new and innovative ideas will devise an extensive defense plan to ensure all illegal intruders are kept at bay or die for their efforts in attempting an invasion our nation. No repercussions from passive liberal protest will prevent the prosecution of criminals to the fullest extent without sit-ins and protest marches.
    We will not have to accept nor tolerate the lawless attitude of the minorities who destroy and loot property on the premise they have to right due to being denied equality or their civil rights when they first haven’t exercised the privilege in achieving it as well as having everything effortlessly handed them on a silver platter.
    Their idea of, they are owed any and all they demand because their ancestors having been abused or enslaved all the while making reference it having happened them personally, would be totally ignored by the conservative nation.
    The passing of lenient laws drawn by sympathetic socialist designed specifically for criminals deriving from abused and broken homes won’t be considered or heard of for we will be absent of any liberal influence.
    People will retain that which they work for; donations will be voluntary and not mandated without representation. Conservative Americans are selfless in their own right without having been badgered or chastised by pompous liberals being generous with the fortunes of others; they take care and help the misfortunate who is willing to help themselves when given a helping hand. We won’t have to worry about the Constitution being misinterpreted by disgruntled ingrates or reinterpreted by the whim of a self-serving federal judge rendering it to his advantage. The government answers to the people not a reversal as in socialism and communism.

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