It is unarguable that Obama should be on Mount Rushmore. Preferably, we should put him up there while he’s sleeping. Then when he wakes up, he’ll be like, “What? Where am I? How did I get all the way up here on Mount Rushmore? Somebody help me!” It will be hilarious!
That would be like totally awesome! And wouldn’t he be on some sort of Indian Reservation or something? Someone check because if he is then he is on land not governed by the laws of the United States and the Indians can do with him as they please. Like staking him out on the ground and tying a wet leather band around his head! Or making him serve drinks at a Casino in a skimpy little cocktail dress…
Would Mt. Rushmore be the headstone???
Frank what are you smoking? LOL
Then we’d just need to get John Larroquette to shoot Jefferson’s nose with laser beams and it would be just like the climax of the Richie Rich movie!
On a more serious note – why do we continue to push for Reagan’s name to be on everything under the sun, but apparently it’s occurred to no one that he should be added to Rushmore? It just seems like a no-brainer to me.
Can we put him in another country instead? Like Cuba? That way he can get a first hand look at our future health care system.
On a lighter note, the New York Post published a cartoon today comparing that one to a rampaging monkey. of course alshapton is going to protest the Post. I think everyone should go and buy one tomorrow while they are picketing. And of course tell al to prepare that one for the mountain journey, it can get pretty cold up there in winter.
We get to “Pants” him right?
8: Obama, like Wikipedia, is European, so he would prefer to call that practice “debagging.”
” Scott F. says:
On a more serious note – why do we continue to push for Reagan’s name to be on everything under the sun, but apparently it’s occurred to no one that he should be added to Rushmore? It just seems like a no-brainer to me.”
It’s not big enough, and the United States doesn’t have control of Everest yet.
Frank that is way too close to the team america base site.
Why would anyone want Obama to mount Rushmore when he’s got the ultimate rock-of-thighs, Michelle? And did anyone ask Rushmore first?
Yes, he would be a great post turtle..
If we put him on Mt. Rushmore do you honestly think he’d recognize it or any one depicted on it?
“Michelle, I kind of like it up here on Mt. Rushmore. I’m finally among men whose ears are larger than mine.”
Matt Damon!
what a beautifull thought THE OBAMA sleeping with those guys on Mt Rushmore ( I hpoe Mt Rushmore is code for fishes)
OH CRAP— If THE OBAMA goes to sleep with the fishes we would be stuck with Joe the Biden, Or worse That Tuna from San Francisco
After Obama is Mr. FDR-on-TV, then Ms. I-Love-Mice, then Mr. I’m-a-91-year-old-former-KKK-member, then Mr. Hey-wait-a-minute-shouldn’t-that-be-Mrs.-I-mean-I-am-a-woman-supposedly.
I found it funny that Robert Gates was the designated survivor on inauguration day. If DC had been nuked, then the only guy left from the Bush administration would be in charge.
Have to agree with Lechteron on this. He wouldn’t have a clue, nor would he care about any of those “other guys”. Not one of them was Muslim.
Scott, you need to check out
Another 5 for this post…you’re on fi-yah!
Can we give Obie an atomic wedgie, and dip his hand in warm water while we’re at it? 😉
Corsair – I can’t thank you enough for that! I might actually buy one of those for the office.
He’d be better suited being added to another giant work of sculpture in the Black Hills, The Crazy Horse Monument still under construction. Guess which part of the horse.
245: My guess is the ding dong. Do I win a prize?
True story: A friend worked in a TV repair shop and one of the guys working there was always sneaking off and sleeping in a box in the back. They finally figured out he would squirrel himself away in said box. One day they very carefully slowly lifted the sleeping employee into the back of a van and gently drove him out in to the desert here in Phx Az. They then gently placed him in the middle of a huge stretch of creosote and left him. He woke up in a box in the middle of no where!
I guess it makes sense to put him up there with presidents who achieved great things. After all his greatest achievements so far have been to be born black and to set race relations back 75 years, so I say, put him up there. If we’re really lucky he’ll get lost and find his way into Canada. They love him there, maybe they’ll keep him.
Freemon, I really hope it was in August. 100+ degrees and 50% humidity. Awesome.
What about this: ORushmore?
Close, but no cigar.