This woman is truly representative of the problems with the Mainstream Media(MSM) and why the papers continue to fold as well as TV ratings dropping. She has no clue as what makes this country great and she was surrounded by them. The fact that she cannot even pretend to be objective demostrates how the MSM has thrown up their hands in respect to maintaining journalistic integrity. She will probably get a big fat raise from the other commies at CNN or maybe a promotion to work at the New York Times ( BTW-I thought Carlos Slim was a rap star). Fox should play this video every hour for a month. I wonder if she knows about the dinosaurs?
Well, yes, I would, and so would you, and, except for the occasional troll, the commenters here. It doesn’t look to me as if Susan Roesgen has to try at all. It comes to her as naturally as lying comes to Bill Clinton (or most other lawyers), as naturally as provinciality comes to a San Franciscan, as naturally as being tongue-tied in the absence of a teleprompter comes to Barack Obama.
Gee, Tea party? Wait a minute, lemme think. Boston Tea Party.? Hmmm, taxes. What does a tea party have to do with taxes? Scones? No. Wait a minute! No taxation without representation! Could that be the link? Mebbe CNN should hear this wild theory of mine! I’m sure it is unique and newsworthy! Naaahhhhhh!!!!
Rightwingwhacko, You are right on the money. Unfortunately all they are allowed to drink at CNN seems to be is cool-aid. 🙁 They would not know an original thought if it hit them in the face….. oh wait it just did….
Didn’t realize the first time I watched that CNN video that the moronic old man with the white hat and the yellow flag was the reason why this guy was having trouble finishing his thought. If the old fart do-gooder had minded his own business and left him the hell alone and let him answer the CNN tool, he would have owned her even more.
See MSNBC’s David Schuster Tea Bagging it up while sitting in for K. Oberman, then Fox’s Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld for more explanation if necessary. Pretty bad double standard the Left has.
I used to work with a guy who only watches CNN and idolizes Anderson Cooper’s opinion and Obama. I have no doubt that this guy watched this and it and believed it was only right wing wackos.
They don’t try hard, they hardly try. Really being this divorced from reality is a gift, not a talent. Makes one wonder if living in the dream world these people live in means they are at greater risk for conditions like Alzheimers? Logic would say that if you already have issues with reality your mind might already be in a weakened state. Not that that kind of illness is anything to joke about but seriously, not having a grasp on reality can not be good for your mental health.
The Fall of the House of zerO……………………………….yay!
This woman is truly representative of the problems with the Mainstream Media(MSM) and why the papers continue to fold as well as TV ratings dropping. She has no clue as what makes this country great and she was surrounded by them. The fact that she cannot even pretend to be objective demostrates how the MSM has thrown up their hands in respect to maintaining journalistic integrity. She will probably get a big fat raise from the other commies at CNN or maybe a promotion to work at the New York Times ( BTW-I thought Carlos Slim was a rap star). Fox should play this video every hour for a month. I wonder if she knows about the dinosaurs?
You really have to try hard to be this obtuse
Well, yes, I would, and so would you, and, except for the occasional troll, the commenters here. It doesn’t look to me as if Susan Roesgen has to try at all. It comes to her as naturally as lying comes to Bill Clinton (or most other lawyers), as naturally as provinciality comes to a San Franciscan, as naturally as being tongue-tied in the absence of a teleprompter comes to Barack Obama.
Gee, Tea party? Wait a minute, lemme think. Boston Tea Party.? Hmmm, taxes. What does a tea party have to do with taxes? Scones? No. Wait a minute! No taxation without representation! Could that be the link? Mebbe CNN should hear this wild theory of mine! I’m sure it is unique and newsworthy! Naaahhhhhh!!!!
Rightwingwhacko, You are right on the money. Unfortunately all they are allowed to drink at CNN seems to be is cool-aid. 🙁 They would not know an original thought if it hit them in the face….. oh wait it just did….
Didn’t realize the first time I watched that CNN video that the moronic old man with the white hat and the yellow flag was the reason why this guy was having trouble finishing his thought. If the old fart do-gooder had minded his own business and left him the hell alone and let him answer the CNN tool, he would have owned her even more.
G_ddamn! I just wish I could slap the damned smirk off that reporter’s face. That right there is an argument against women in the workforce.
See MSNBC’s David Schuster Tea Bagging it up while sitting in for K. Oberman, then Fox’s Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld for more explanation if necessary. Pretty bad double standard the Left has.
I used to work with a guy who only watches CNN and idolizes Anderson Cooper’s opinion and Obama. I have no doubt that this guy watched this and it and believed it was only right wing wackos.
Video was pulled… does anyone have it?
Video was pulled, I guess CNN only wants publicity on the partial video of their reporter making an ass of herself
They don’t try hard, they hardly try. Really being this divorced from reality is a gift, not a talent. Makes one wonder if living in the dream world these people live in means they are at greater risk for conditions like Alzheimers? Logic would say that if you already have issues with reality your mind might already be in a weakened state. Not that that kind of illness is anything to joke about but seriously, not having a grasp on reality can not be good for your mental health.
video removed by CNN….God, they suck!
@#$% CNN.
That video is pulled.
Here’s another link to the same video.
Here’s another link, too. The off CNN part starts at about 1:50 seconds into it.
LOL… CNN put a copyright on the vid.
Dissent will NOT be tolerated…