Twitter Updates for 2009-04-17

  • Every day is awesome when you’re an American! #
  • New PJM column: “Why do they plunder us?” #
  • Stimulus works! RT @BreakingNews AP: New jobless claims fall for second straight week to 610,000. #
  • Isn’t that Big Hollywood? RT @allahpundit Right-wing HuffPo in the works? Gulp: #
  • RT @andrewbreitbart I am still steaming over the CNN reporter. Here’s a followup: #
  • Fred Thompson Show caller: “No Representation without Taxation.” No wonder 48% like tax rates when so many pay nothing. #
  • My Marine brother is sometimes pretty libertarian. I hope the DHS is watching him. #
  • Secession is a bad idea. That’s why we should only make the states we don’t like do it. #
  • I don’t care if there is a hot blond sitting next to you. Drive this and people will assume you’re gay: #
  • Link Fixed:I don’t care if there is a hot blond sitting next to you. Drive this and people will assume you’re gay: #
  • Is it illegal to advocate kidnapping the president’s dog? #
  • Am I just remembering things wrong, or did LGF used to criticize other people than conservatives? #
  • RT @mkhammer School of Journalism objects to…journalism? #
  • Quote from torture memo: “Don’t forget to torture.” #
  • Quote from torture memo: “Remember to charge the car battery.” #
  • Shortened user name. The underscore stands for “fun”. Also, Asian person took name I wanted. #
  • Quote from torture memo: “Remember to wish Amir a happy birthday as soon as he’s done being waterboarded.” #
  • TweetDeck no good. Anyone know of a Twitter program that won’t crash Vista 64-bit? #
  • Or any program, for that matter. #
  • Know who never watched Crowder’s videos? Hitler! RT @scrowder: “Obama the Pee Wee” vid. #tcot #
  • RT @allahpundit: Awesome: Garofalo flips out, accuses tea parties of being about nothing but racism #
  • RT @JTlol: Susan Roesgen’s e-mail inbox is impenetrable to any information you try to add to it. Much like her skull. #
  • Because I hate Garofalo so much, I make fun of her name and call her “Giraffe-alo”. #
  • RT @Lileks Writing about the George Will denim column. Feels like the times we woke Grampa because he fell asleep smoking. #

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  1. What is it with George Will and denim? I guess I should expect a weird attitude from a guy who wears bow ties. Bow Ties!

    I think I will start wearing an ascot and thumb my knose at George Will in a condescending manner.

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