Here’s a funny cartoon (hat tip Media Blog):
Superman being a newspaper reporter seems like such a hugely outdated idea. Originally, back in 1930s, it made sense because a newspaper is where Superman would have to work to keep abreast of anything important going on. That’s long been an outdated concept, and now they have Superman be a journalist because that’s what he likes doing. But why in the world would someone capable of doing important, useful things want to just sit around and write about other people doing useful things? Isn’t journalism for those who can’t do anything about important events other than write about them?
No. Unfortunately, journalism students and courses are all about “changing the world” these days, not “reporting the news.”
Face it – Superman has sold out for a crummy newspaper paycheck. He used to fight for “truth, justice, and the American way” – when was the last time you saw any of that in a newspaper?
Well, if they WOULD objectively write about people doing useful things, that would be useful. And if they’d stick to the old Dragnet line of, “Just the facts, Ma’am” we’d all be better off.
These days, Superman would blog. Aquaman would be at the newspapers.
I saw Ted Koppel on some Q&A session on TV years ago (in the 1980s). I recall him saying that a journalism degree was useless. He suggested English, Math, Medicine, or something that allowed you to know something useful. I gathered from it that with a journalism degree, you knew nothing but could write all about it.
Another issue i am torn over.
On one hand the leftist excuses for reporting need to say bye bye and open the field up for old school honest reporting of the news.
On the other hand, if newspaper disappear, who will kill the trees that have the evironMENTALists screaming about the global warming hoax.
Also what about the ink manufacturers. All those poor onion jobs. And the teamsters, who will take care of the teamsters?
Pingback: Why is Clark Kent a reporter? @ Monitor Duty
STORM19111 is right, Aquaman would be at the newspapers because they’re all sinking under water,drowning in a sea of red ink. Of course Aquaman would be laughing at them as they sank to the bottom.Bunch of bottomfeeders, the lot of them. Aquaman will then telepathically tell all the sea creatures to poop on them. Serves them right.
Clark Kent should open a jewelry store.
(He’s got that ‘squeezing lumps of coal into diamonds’ thing going for him).
I think being a newspaper reporter also gave him an excuse to “cover the welcoming ceremony for the Ambassador of FrickFrackistan” where they almost always was some supervillain trying to mess things up. This gives the comic writer a reason for Superman to know that a crime was going on.
Stan Lee used the same plot device with Spiderman.
#9, that sounds like it was (or should be) a Fred Fact? Fred swallows coal and craps diamonds?
“But why in the world would someone capable of doing important, useful things want to just sit around and write about other people doing useful things?”
Exactly the question that I asked myself shortly before leaving that useless profession 10 years ago. Much happier (and more useful) today.
Iron Man would be a better journalist than Superman.
List of folks that would be better journalists than Superman:
The Punisher,
Spawn..could ya imagine that?,
Rorschach would make the ULTIMATE journalist,
Bill Cosby,
The Duke,
That Slumdog Millionaire guy,
My dog(Chino, the oldest one..he’s smarter than yer average 10 yr old human!).
PS: I do not mean to imply that Superman is less noble, smart or patriotic as my dog. I just do not believe journalism is in Superman’s forte. He has better things to do.
#11 – NunyaB,
IMAO archives, Fred Thompson Facts:
Sept 8, 2007
“Fred Thompson can swallow a pig and some wheat and crap a ham sandwich.”
May 1, 2007
“He eats shotgun shells in the morning and craps .44 Magnum bullets in the afternoon.”
“He eats lightning and craps thunder.”
Nope, nothing about diamonds.
But he could if he wanted to!
My sweet spouse tried to save the sharks from eating themselves for 21+ years and all he got was a pink slip. He is MY superman. Now of course all the bobble heads are saying the same things he tried to get them to listen to for the last 18+ years. Good job guys, you’ve managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory yet again.
Sweet action! (and no I am NOT bitter ;P)