Longtime IMAO.US reader and commenter Exurban Jon is famous.
Rush, Hugh Hewitt have commented on his work and who knows what’ll happen now that IMAO has linked to him. Here’s the post that has everyone talkng.
Good job Exurban Jon. If there was an award for being mentioned on Rush. well, you’d probably still lose to Scrappleface, but at least you’ve been mentioned.
Now there’s a blog that doesn’t suck!
Bringing the count so far up to about , what, two?
Bush continues reading to those kids for what 10 minutes? BAD!
Obama refuses to acknowledge islamic terrorists holding AMERICAN hostages for 48 hours? GOOD!
Words fail me.
He’s not even returning my phone calls.
You co-blog with someone for 3 years and then something like this happens and all of a sudden he’s off to St. Tropez with Shakira for the weekend and blowing off all the little people who helped him get to the top.
Fortunately for me, I kept the negatives from the weekend in Tijuana.
Jon, if you’re reading this, call me. The Globe has offered me high six figures, I’ll give you a week to match them.
Well, in spite of Obama’s dithering, the Navy apparently had enough of dealing with the pirates and killed 3 of the 4. According to Drudge, the Captain is safely back in American hands. I think I speak for every red-blooded American when I say, good job guys, way to kick ass!
Yes it seems we just reached out and touched the pirates real good, bringing to mind that old saying….f**k with the eagle and you can expect the claw!. Three dead pirates (good riddance), one captured, captain safe, all good….except now Obama has another major apology job coming up to placate all the Africans and Muslims who will be pissed off about this outcome. After all if those uppity Americans had just gone quietly none of this would have had to happen.
Jon wanted to thank you for your post, Mr. Spacemonkey. I read it to him while he and Shakira were getting arugula-placenta facials while relaxing on their new private island off Barbados. It truly is amazing how much money there is to be made in conservative satirical blogging, as you well know.
BTW ExKevin, Jon has assembled the cash you demanded. Hand over the photos and we’ll give you the codes to the Swiss bank account. And he wants his Ace of Base CD back too.
Some prefer a magazine full of lead.
I still prefer one to the head.
NRA Patron Life Member
Dormant U.S.Marine Semper Fidelis
Must be a mutanous Local Commander who gave teh SEALS the order to fire without Obie One Hopey’s permission!
Three dead pirates and one free and healthy Captain!
Arrrgh! Do NOT f*ck with SEALS.
Can they HANG the one they captured?
I mean like, right there on the spot, now hang ’em?
FF Russ, I remember that too…just what did the leftist morons think Bush should have done…jumped into the air and shrieked, “We’re all gonna die…!!!!” knocking over chairs and children in a wild rush for the door???
Oh, but wait…Michelle OneBrow-ama now has a full time make-up or hair stylist or manicurist or something…and Zero has a dog, so we can all sleep, knowing that they have things well in hand…
Does anybody here have any aspirin?
“And he wants his Ace of Base CD back too.”
ExurbanTodd liked it so much, I gave it to him.
Within 48 hours someone will release a report including an interview with the dead pirates’ mother/sister/sweetheart/daughter/favorite goat;
with accompanying wailing/weeping/sobbing/sniveling/bleating.
By the end of next week they’ll be referred to as ‘martyrs’.
The brave captain will get his 15 minutes of fame.
The 120 or so other poor slubs currently held hostage on various ships will Not be asked to express their opinions.
Navy Seals 3
Douchebags 0
Get the braindead politicians out of the way of the US military, and they win every time.
I don’t know about you guys, but that photoshop, “OPirate,” just cracks me up.
Photoshop? I thought it was Dress Like A Pirate Day at the White House!
3 rounds, 3 kills, and 1 in the brig. It’s Miller time!