Happy Indepence Day

The day we told our oppressors you get a musket to the junk.


  1. since every day is dependence day in Obamaland, they don’t get what all the fuss is about, “what we be independunt from?” I ain’t get it…
    I wonder if Barry secretly hopes Hawaii will get nuked so people will stop asking him about his alleged birth certificate…..

  2. Now we know that it was Bush that lied when that cherry tree died, and George Washington was not all that bad as a young white boy. And when Lincoln fired all the blacks and kicked them out of their low income housing, that was Bushes fault too. But our Dear BarryO will fix that wrong, along with our stoopid ideas about income earners making the best income tax payers. Shirkers Of The World Unite!!!

  3. Attended a TEA party in Herando, MS and went for a scenic motorcycle ride through north Mississippi with my wife.
    I saw American flags and fireworks stands everywhere.
    It’s still a great country we have here.
    All thanks to the careful application of a ‘musket to the junk’ 233 years ago.

    Musket technology has come a long way since then.

  4. How ironic/or is it moronic? Americans celebrating independence as their freedom is being taken away by an overreaching, overbearing government bent on dominating every aspect of their lives.

  5. Here’s the thing……..I often wonder when July 4th comes around why in a country where special interest groups/ liberal government officals are trying to control:

    Health Care
    The Automobile Industry
    The Media

    and seek to tax “harmful” things like tobacco, tylenol, Humvies, soda, chips………air (I know, but it’s next, watch)

    and who want to tell us:

    how long we can shower and how often
    how many pieces of toilet paper we can use
    what we can and can’t eat, when and how
    how much we have to exercise
    when, where and how we drive
    how much we drink
    how many children we should have
    what jobs we can get, what careers we have to pursue and how much we get paid
    how old we are, how tall we are and how much we weigh before we can sit in the front seat of our own car
    what ” TRUTH” we are allowed to read, see or hear………….

    I wonder that they will allow the buying and using of explosives buy “we the people” who are obviously so moronic and comatose that we can’t decide anything for ourselves. Wait, oh yeah, selling fireworks = tax dollars for states and communities. Lives and mutilation vs money. Sorry, my bad.

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