If you trapped someone in a satellite and forced him to watch bad movies, he’d go insane pretty quickly without the help of robot friends. Of course, there’s the problem of how’d he eat and breathe.
Interestingly, constructing robot friends usually isn’t a good cure for insanity but instead a symptom of it.
You know, all of Sarah Palin’s actions make perfect sense if she’s a vampire/werewolf hybrid.
I haven’t been able to watch the memorial. What does the casket look like? Is everyone sad? Tell me! Tell me! I need to know!
I was afraid the Michael Jackson memorial would suddenly bursts into flame and we’d quickly have to turn off our TVs to avoid being turned into pillars of salt.
I hope they are able to resurrect dinosaurs by the time I die because I don’t think I’ll be properly honored unless T-Rexes are in the procession. Also, I don’t want to be told to “Rest in Peace.” I want to be told to “Rest in War.” I’m going to Valhalla.
If we spent the money from the Michael Jackson memorial on the poor, they’d still be poor the next day but at least we wouldn’t be at a cultural nadir.
With all the attention Michael Jackson is getting, I wonder if Obama will be tempted to bleach his skin?
When Weird Al dies, we should totally do a parody of the Michael Jackson memorial.
Aren’t you supposed to end the memorial by poking him with a stick to make sure he’s dead?
The best ending would have been Andy Kaufman emerging alive from the coffin. He got us good!
Well, that’s the last of Michael Jackson we’ll see until the zombie apocalypse.
I’m amazed that this line hasn’t been used before in a crappy b-movie.
>If you trapped someone in a satellite and forced him to watch bad movies, he’d go insane pretty quickly without the help of robot friends. Of course, there’s the problem of how’d he eat and breathe.
You should really relax. It’s just a show.
Push the button, Frank.
Check out the movie “Silent Running”, is a B movie from the same time as Star Wars, has Bruce Dern in it.
The coffin, for some reason they made it look like the ark of the Covenant, I’m sure it was a coincidence.
I hope Obama taxes the shit out of MJ and his decendants, he is afterall well within the top 2%.
This has to be a first: a zombie buried by a pack of ghouls.
Well, that’s the last of Michael Jackson we’ll see until the zombie apocalypse.
With Obama destroying this country and all his Obot zombies running around I hought we were already in the zombie apocalypse.
Wow, michael jackson died? really? was he impaled on a young boy?
The Thriller video depicts Michael Jackson as a person who keeps in your face and won’t go away despite a mutilated appearance and that whole being dead thing.
I didn’t see the memorial, but with all the hype I expected the Elephant Man skeleton to lead a procession of elephants pulling a gold coffin with seraphim wings across the top like the Arc of the Covenant, and his body to emerge at the end of the service and fly out on a jet pack like he did at some of his concerts.
“When Weird Al dies, we should totally do a parody of the Michael Jackson memorial.”
That’s teh funny. I want to be Al Sharpton
If they spent the money it took to elect O-bah-muhh, on the poor, they would be less poor, and I would be better off too.>>> The thought of Andy Kaufman still makes me laugh. He probably could have beaten Michael Jackson in a steel cage death match.>>>All this vampire/werewolf/zombie talk creeps me out. I’d better go watch Underworld/Resident Evil movies to see how it all turns out.
Actually, the memorial should have ended with the Vincent Price laughter from “Thriller”
I used to be curious about how he would eat and breathe. But then the TV told me to just relax. So I did.
Say, that would explain pretty much the whole Obama presidency, wouldn’t it?
NIce one Frank. I hope to join you in Ragnarok as those valiant warriors in Valhalla battle Loki’s (President Obama’s) evil children; Obamacare, Stimulus packages and his greatest creation, soon to be Communism in the USA>\.
“When Weird Al dies, we should totally do a parody of the Michael Jackson memorial.”
I hope when Weird Al dies, it’s so far in the future no one remembers Michael Jackson’s funeral. I know people who know Weird Al and I have immense respect for him on a number of levels.
I was joking with someone that when they do those photo tributes on a monitor at the visitation, for mine I should record a segment of myself saying “Hi! Thanks for coming out to see me! I’m in the box around the corner. Enjoy the show!” and have it pop up every five minutes or so during the slides about my life. Anyone who actually knew me would love it. I’ll have to do a few photoshops of myself taming tigers or visiting exotic locales or getting hit on by very hot women to confuse people as well. Most of my “me with celebrity” shots are people like Dr Demento and the guy who played Dr. Forrester/Crow from MST3K.
If I were named Richard, I’d probably have “Dick in a Box” put in along with all the somber music as well, so it’s good I’m not named Richard.
“I haven’t been able to watch the memorial. What does the casket look like? Is everyone sad? Tell me! Tell me! I need to know!”
People sang, people cried, then a little orphan girl who’s been subjected to a bizarre childhood was forced to deliver some rehearsed lines she’d been taught that were intended to forever exhonorate her child-molesting guardian, as the extended “family” that’s about to fight to steal her inheritance coached her on.
That made me laugh so hard that I’m thinking about changing my name to Richard just so I can do it.
Was the “memorial” sponsored by NAMBLA? Who is making serious coin out of this travesty? It isn’t the buggered ones…that’s for sure! When will we have a national holiday for the King of Bopping young Boys?
My Dad’s name is Richard. He would never do such a thing. However, I shall have to remember to tell my brothers we should get the song while we are planning the service. Just the suggestion would make them all fall over laughing. My sister will be all offended and stuff.
Hey USSJC I’m pretty sure the memorial was sponsored by Acorn and NAMBLA, and paid for by stimulus money.
Weird Al’s funeral will have actual mourners. Not like the spotlight craving , gold digging , sun glass wearing , useless freaks that attended Michael’s funeral. But I do think weid Al would like that idea.
NAMBLA???? Is that the North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes???