
We should not forget …

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  1. A good portion of the county has forgoten. We call them Democrats. Why else would you blatenly highlight your total lack of basic understanding of what has been done over the last 8 years by renaming it “The War Against Al Queda.”

  2. I remember thinking that now things would be different. Now things would change. Now people would be willing to make the necessary sacrifices to stop evil in its tracks before it reaches our shores. Oh well.

  3. Unfortunately, we do need reminding each year of this savagery. Americans have an incredibly short attention span. I researched and wrote about Stephen Lauria who was on the 97th floor of Tower 1 that day. It helped me put a human face on this vile and repugnant act.

  4. Amazing how quiet they are about this. It took us 40 years and a world war to get this quiet about pearl harbor.

    And another thing, why after being attacked by fundamentalist Islamics is it politically incorrect to refer to it as the war on Islam?

    I’d settle for “the war on radical Islam”, I’d even settle for “the War against terror” (which is like referring to World War II as the war against fighting). But now we don’t even call it a war on terror.

  5. And now the whole country is in danger of collapse while the steel beams of the Constitution melt in fires set by arsonist “progressives.” Someone hand me a fire hose. I’ve got some remembering to do…

  6. Liberals may be stupid and not get it, but us conservative minded folks do. I for one will not forget the 3000 people who were slaughtered by insane radical Islamic extremist terrorist on this day eight years ago. I also won’t forget the men and women who gave there lifes for this country in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. God bless the fallen and God bless America

  7. Never forget. I was working at United States Strategic Command in Omaha, NE. I was an IT equipment accountability custodian, SSgt, USAF. I had just finished my Bachelor’s degree and was awaiting Officer Training School in January. Ordinary Tuesday morning work was upset by the news that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. We were in and out of the boss’ office, watching the news of it on the TV. I figured it was some idiot in a Cessna, just an accident. I was watching the TV when the second plane hit and the realization came over all of us that we were under attack. I immediately called home to tell my wife to turn on the TV. They sent us home, I remember the long line to get off the base. I don’t remember anything else from that day, we probably just sat stunned and watched it unfold. When we came back to work, several days later the posters started going up, the Statue of Liberty pointing the gun, the eagle sharpening its talons…. My eyes welled up every time I looked at one of them. We all wanted vengance. I still want every one of those SonsOfBitches left to be pushed off the highest building we can find.

  8. Am I the only one screaming at my radio every time the puke in the WH is replayed calling this the first national day of service?! The air in my house is turning blue!

    Always Remember, Never forget!
    God Bless America!

  9. I had just got off the train and sirens were blaring and ambulances were speeding down Park Avenue and I got on the phone and called my best friend and he tells me a plane hit the Towers. I knew IMMEDIATELY it was an attack. I went into work. We then heard on the radio that the Pentagon had been hit and a plane went down in Pennsylvania. I knew this was war against the United States and I thought I did not want to die in the office where I was a secretary. I told my boss I was going home. I went outside and people from all over were walking home, some later would tell me it had taken then all day to get home. I saw some ladies in a cab and yelled to them could I share. After the last one was out I talked the driver to take me to Connecticut where I was still living. I watched the TV coverage all day and stayed on the phone all day with my best friend. The next day, I was really scared to go back to work, but I went back to work. I then moved back into Manhattan, my hometown. I went to Mass at noon today surrounded by firefighters. I knew one person who died in the Towers. Patrick Brown, a captain in the NYFD. He was awesome. Just awesome. I pray that people wake up.

  10. Pingback: Thoughts on Patriot’s Day « Liber Ex Machina

  11. Watching the replays of the collisions and the collapses of the towers on the TV at work that day, I was reminded of the space shuttle Challenger explosion years before.
    It didn’t seem that it could be real.
    As I’d kept searching for the shuttle to glide safely free from the fireball, even though I knew I was watching a replay of something that had already happened, I kept waiting for the smoke to clear and to see the towers still standing.
    But that didn’t happen, so I finally turned away and went back to my work.
    I wanted to pray, “God! Make it never happened!”
    Now I pray, “Lord! May it never happen again!”

  12. I think 9/11 was only the beginning of the attacks on this country. Now the Jihad is more covert. It comes out of the mouths of our leaders, especially at the top, and they will do far more damage to this nation. We will stand and look back in 4-8 years and see what we have lost. But maybe we will have gained a resolve as well, and become united again under a common cause.

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