Former president Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that he believes that outdated notions of honesty are at the core of much of the opposition to President Obama.
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“I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a con man, that he’s Deception American,” Carter told NBC in an interview.
Continued Carter: “That truthist inclination runs deep in flyover country… It’s an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply.”
The 39th president also predicted that Obama will be able to “triumph over the factist attitude that is the basis for the negative environment that we see so vividly demonstrated in public affairs in recent days.”
Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson of Georgia said that if Joe Wilson’s blantant display of honestism hadn’t been condemned by the House, his destructive attitude would’ve covered the nation like a smallpox-infected blanket.
“I guess we’d probably have folks in Fox News vans riding through the countryside and intimidating people. That’s the logical conclusion if this kind of accuratist attitude is not rebuked.”
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, however, dismissed claims that Obama’s fabricationism was at the heart of the issue.
“I don’t think the president believes that people are upset because of the accuracy of his statments,” said Gibbs. “This country elected a smooth-talking, flim-flamming, hustling, scamming bunco-artist last November. Nobody cared about veracity then, and I don’t see why they should start now.”
Remember, to a liberal the axis of evil = Truth, Justice and the American Way.
Jimmy Carter wouldn’t know the truth if it kicked him in his commie a$$!!!
Why is Carter still alive?
Why is Carter still alive?
Because it’s against the law to kill the S.O.B.
And why are they mad at Wilson for telling the truth?
Jimmah and barrah sayah: we caint handle the truth ah. you crakah racistsss ah.
I’m a racist. I hate stupid white folk like Jimmy Carter, Nancy Pelosi, Karl Marx…. They all look alike to me.
Whenever I read something that awesome, I think about the reaction some angry, little DKos troll would have reading it. I like to imagine their heads would literally explode from all their pent up fury.
Until now, the word ‘fabricationism’ had been used to mean ‘Judicial Activism’. I would say Harvey just merited a 2nd definition entry in the urban dictionary, except that the first definition hasn’t made it yet. >>>Fabricationism: propensity to lie, make things up out of whole cloth
Ernie, with all due respect, they wouldn’t get the joke.
What a Trifecta: Carter, Gibbs, Johnson.
Sounds like the Jew hating commie calling the kettle Black Boy to me.
Us white folks done gone and said the N word to many times. You just don’t say NO to The One and not have race riots ginned up by the Libtards and MSM talking heads without some urban youths burnin’ and lootin’ their neighborhoods.
Everybody’s favorite crazy old uncle is on the loose again. The bad news- his mother lived to be d_mn near 100. no telling how long we have to spend listening to his senile drivel
What is he now, 80?
I can wait him out.
Now Wilson must be aware that he was a bad boy. Rather than formally disapproving of Wilson, why not send him to the corner for 15 minutes to think about what he did. Wilson was obviously aware that the Democrats disapproved of what he said, and that the Republicans didn’t. That’s why the vote went along party lines. I don’t see the point of formally disapproving. If the resolution was to make a point, then they should have made a point. Instead, Democrats chose to stick his nose in it and make him sleep in the backyard.
The truth is always in the pudding! Fear brings out the truth in people. In this case Wilson couldn’t hide behind the Sheets any more….See when the sheets come off exposure comes. Lets see if he or is he not one of the “Magnificent Seven”? who fought to keep up the confederate flag over the state capital. How many other SC organizations does he belongs too or who is his mentor? Hmmmm Thurmon S….wowwwww. Now who is Lying? The whole thing is about respect and under any other president has one spoke out like this ….until now and by WHO? Now Bush show nuff told a lie when he said we where targeting Bin Ladin…”Zero 9/11″proved that fasle,but who told Bush when was lying in congress while he was telling that crap? Ironically him and his Dad has problems with the fire ants….endless war! You can kill fire ants but guess what they pop up else where no matter how many you kill…what you find out eventually you leave them alone and they will leave you alone instead of spending billions of dollars and lives stirring them up!!!
Nothing different than any other wingnut article. Fox news does this everyday. It is the same mentality held by those that simply refuse to face it that Wilson has no idea what he is talking about, or is in fact a liar. Caught in a bold face lie, winguts simply try to rewrite the question. The truth remains, NOTHING in the presidents proposal provides healthcare to illegal. Nothing, Period end of story, Wilson is an idiot. That is why no one is quoting the part of the bill that says otherwise, No one anywhere, unless of course you just rewrite it for your own amusement and change the words for self gratification, but look how stupid that would look.
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The truth is that the president Had No Proposal.
The wonderful, magical, perfect plan he described in his speech bears no resemblance to the actual bill Congress crammed through before the August recess.
If the Senate had stayed in Washington and rubber-stamped it without examination or debate as he wanted and sent it to his desk (’cause it’s a crisis) he would have signed it into law.
Now we have another chance to get it right.
That is, scrap it and start over.
What is that old, out-moded oath the doctors used to say? “First of all, do no harm.”?