What If America Goes Broke?

In my new Pajamas Media column, I explore what options we have if America goes broke. Or should I say “when”?


  1. Fortunately, I had the foresight to see this coming and went broke last year to avoid the rush. HaHa, the jokes on Obama…..no money to tax. Living in this dumpster ain’t so bad and net service is great if it’s located in a hot spot. The only downside is having to move every Thursday.

  2. When Amica goes broke next week and we are a 3rd world country. The resolution is simple. I understand that bears are particularly attracted to pechouli oil. So grab a hippie, and presto! Bait!

    do democrats burn hot enough for heat?

  3. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever read.

    So you want Obama to go to Mars and the rest of us on the Moon?

    First off, the Moon is a harsh mistress and maybe, just maybe, Obama could actually learn the meaning of TANSTAFFL.

    Second, Mars (Barsoom) already has a princess and a god! Why would they need a new, pretty princess or a messiah?

    Geez, you have to think these things through.

  4. I have this all figured out. The Congress will pass Obamacare with the penalty jail ‘option.’ Refusing to sign-up for any health care, I’m volunteering to go to jail where I’ll be housed, fed, clothed and given medical / dental / vision care, free. Zero taxes. Woo hoo!! Going broke has it’s advantages under Obama!.

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