Whatever Happened to Robots?

MISSION: Keep all towels folded. PROBLEM: Humans crumple towels. SOLUTION: KILL ALL HUMANS!!!

Remember when the future was all about robots? They’d be doing everything. Now we’re in the future (2010), and they are like nowhere except for small ones that vacuum. When will our robot renaissance come?

So, as much as I’d like to make fun of a towel-folding robot, at least it is a robot; we can’t look a gift horse in the mouth at this point. And just think: If we made it bigger, and instead of a towel gave it our enemies, it would be a mangle bot. That’s pretty cool, at least.


  1. You see, that’s the problem with robots. Silly robots like the “towel folding robot.” It’s gonna cost a wheelbarrow full of money and all it does is “fold towels.” You can hire a van full of illegals to fold your towels for a fraction of what that robot is gonna cost. Makes as much sense as a “banana peeling robot” or a “nose picking robot.”

    Call me when they make a robot that makes fresh beer or exterminates my enemies on command.

  2. The point about a towel folding robot is that we take that concept and combine it with a robot that loads the washing machine and the robot that vacuums and the robot that unloads the dishwasher, etc. to make an awesome robot like on The Jetsons.

    BTW, they have robots that wash your floors as well as vacuum. I have a robot vacuum, named Archie (short for Archimedes). He is Most Awesome.

  3. So, what’s up with creating robots that only do women’s housework? Where’s my lawn mowing robot? my robot to take out the garbage? or my robot that will listen to the wife drone on and on about her day, nodding its head with a smile on its face?

  4. As somebody who works around robots in real life, the big problem with robots is that they are DANGEROUS. I had to take a robot safety class, and let me assure you, accidents involving industrial robots are very ugly things. We see more and better robots all the time, but robots that are strong enough to be useful AND smart enough not to be dangerous to carbon based life forms are still a long way away.

  5. That’s nice to know, marvin. I don’t know why, but it’s nice to know. I think. Maybe.

    Speaking of robots, I think Frank is one. Have you ever notieced that all of his postings occur several minutes after the hour? Has someone (like Harvey) invented a humor program called “Frank J.” ??


  6. Can I trade my Futuriffic! towel folding robot for
    the flying car that Popular Science! magazing has promised me for my entire life??

    As long as Americans with towels to fold can hire illegal aliens at
    slave wages to fold their towels there will be no need for these towel-“Bender”-bots.

    “Whatever happened to robots?” the talented robots are busy ‘acting’ in Robot Theatre.

  7. Umm, except for the tack-welding robots, and the spray-painting robots, and the pick-and-place robots and the hundreds of thousands of other robots in industry.

    Oh, and Oliver Stone too. Al Gore may not be a robot, but Ollie certainly is.

    zzyzx, learn punctuation. I mean, honestly. You’d think Will Robinson’s alien is approaching.

  8. Last time I checked I think the worlds top supercomputer was equal in complexity to the brain of a rabbit. So call me when a supercomputer is 100x faster then now and can run on cupcakes and pizza rolls and only makes 100W of heat. Also fits conveniently on a pair of shoulders that 50% of the times comes with bonus breasts. Then I will be impressed.

  9. Now, hold on before we get all ga-ga about a towel-folding robot. We need to know whether it’s a lazy half-folder or a proper thirds-folder before we start mass production. I need no more half-folders in my life.

    But I could probably find room for more thermonuclear weapoons.

  10. The absence of personal robots – the classic ones that walk and talk and act as a personal servant – is that people don’t know what they want. So they tell the robot what they think they want.

    Well organized people often are sure of what they believe they want. They intend to get up at 7 am, shower, … lunch, BLT, at 12:22 pm, etc …….. But that isn’t what they do.

    So a personal robot must constantly adjust, minute by minute, throughout the day. It is a dance. If the robot does not adjust to the person then the person must adjust to the robot. But the person who does that will come to feel it is he who is serving the robot.

    Robots able to adjust throughout the day, and realize the implications of the master’s activities and unexpected events may come someday. That is AI – the stuff that doesn’t work yet.

  11. I’m sorry. Maybe I’m confused but don’t we already have Robots in charge of the government and media and now of course government motors and soon government financial institutions. Whether they’re made of skin and bones or steel and transistors, a robot is a robot is a O’bamabot.

  12. They’ve tried several times to create a “Latin invasion”, and the best they’ve been able to invent was Shakira, Ricky Martin and Menudo. If that’s the best technology can come up with, how are they expected to make robots?

  13. Sunday Fun!

    I saw this clearly deranged and violent skinhead at a local tea party.


    To say nothing of this obviously homophobic racist villain.


    Here I noticed yet another irrational hate cult in WACO.


    Exit question How do those apoplectic koskids feel after calling them teabaggers when they realize its actually their moms book club?

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