So the Democrat candidate for Senate in Connecticut lied about serving in Vietnam. This should help him. A lot of people were worried that he’d get swift-boated like John Kerry when those he served with spoke out against him, but that’s impossible since he didn’t serve with anyone. Worst he can get is someone saying he mismanaged Toys for Tots.
I don’t know why someone would lie about stuff like that; I would think military service would be easy to verify and you’d always get called on it. Then again, I guess this is assuming Democrats care about that sort of thing. If I thought I could say anything and no one would check, I’d make all sorts of claims if I ran for office. I’d be like, “I was the one who told Al Gore he should invent the internet” and “I was the one who found Saddam in Iraq. I was all like, ‘Look! In the ground! I think it’s Saddam.’ And everyone was like, ‘Hey, it is. Good job, Frank. Good job finding Saddam.'”
You know, maybe we should encourage politicians to make up more stuff so that campaigns are more interesting. Basically, politicians do nothing but lie during their campaigns anyway, so why not encourage more fanciful ones to be more entertaining? Maybe they could even hire like Hollywood script writers to make sure their stories are interesting. Yes, some people would think it’s real, just like with professional wrestling, but most of us already understand that everything we see on screen involving politicians is fake.
So Dick Blumenthal is not a lying coward, he’s an innovator.
And a lying coward.
I’m going to blatantly lie about punching Dick Blumenthal in his dumb monkey face.
Or maybe it won’t be a lie…………..
I could have answered the question without even having read the article (but I read it anyway). We need more lies in politics like we need more dry in the Sahara. It should be implemented, as a matter of course, that anyone caught in a lie be barred from future service. I am a police officer by profession and if I were caught stretching the truth under oath I would be prosecuted then fired for the same reason: I hold a position in which my word is my only real means of facilitating my job. Liars have no place in positions of trust.
Obama – 6/2/2008 –
Sorry – we are maxed out on fanciful already.
If you’re a democrat lying about anything from military service to mistresses, you can almost always count on the “mainstream” media burying the truth for you…so, why not lie?
Awesome, DamnCat. It’s hard for any politician to top the blatant lying of Barrack Hussein Obama. I’ve never seen a politician lie like him, he’s a whole new standard.
That’s why once the taxes for all this reckless spending becomes due, I think all Obama voters should have to pay the taxes for one American who voted for someone else. The problem with that plan, of course, is that every Obama voter will probaly lie like their Messiah and say they never voted for Fraudbama.
Thanks, Cat, I forgot about the old school hope and changey rhetoric from the primary. Obama gave us such a nice glimpse into his mind. I think he thinks he’s James Cameron. “America – the remake: this time, it’s for real!”
Hey, Obama’s gotten away with not verifying certain… ahem… claims.
So why can’t this guy?
The mental disease that is liberal marxism manifests itself in the democrat syndrome where the victim becomes a pathological liar. they cannot help themselves, so we should feel pity for them and launch them into the sun to cure them of their disease.
Liberals don’t deal in reality. They try to distort what is real to fit their agenda. That’s a big reason why drugs are popular with liberals. It’s why they tried to blame 911 on a Bushcheney conspiracy. Scared little children run from the Big Bad Wolf. This is also partially why they bend over for Radical Islam. Lipstcik on the Big Bad Wolf.
Lack of any real manly experiance is the big Bad Wolf for amny liberals, so we get lots of lying about military service.
Turn that into a YouTube video. Set it free to go viral.
Thanks for posting, Frank! I didn’t hear about that lying sack of monkey-poo in the MSM. As someone who did serve 20 years in the Navy (no, I didn’t go to Vietnam) I want that lying, worthless piece of feces to be stomped and burned by a couple of laser-toting dinosaurs, then flushed down the toilet.
Not only did this rat stinker besmirch the admirable record of our Viet Nam vets, he also smirched the proud record of the US Marine Corps — the most elite fighting force in the world. Disgusted, I am.
By the way, O., the “P” in Marine Corps is silent.
ooooh, i hate it when people smirch
I was in the Air Force but I joined in 1975 so I never served in Vietnam. I did, however, singlehandedly save the nation from the dreaded Rajin’ Cajuns serving two combat tours in Louisiana engaged in hand to hand combat with rampagin’ cajuns. OK, it wasn’t hand to hand combat, I had a machine gun. OK, not really, I saw an Army Jeep with a machine gun. In a picture. And I really didn’t fight any Rajin’ Cajuns, they were too busy eating jambalaya and looking for crawfish while I was going to New Orleans to drink beer. But at least I did serve in the Air Force and drank beer in Louisiana, except for a couple of brief tours of duty were I helped destroy those 2 Death Stars.
Would I make something like that up?
No one could make up a story like that.
The strange part is this guy is a Democrat…so why would he want to lie about nonexistent service in Viet Nam. He’d do a much better job impressing his fellow Democrats by claiming to have been beaten by the cops in Chicago, or served on the front lines at Berkley, or better yet being shot at, at Kent State. ….”And there I was armed only with four or five rocks and my picket sign when we walked into their ambush. When they opened fire we tried to take evasive action but it was too late, we took heavy losses and were forced to fall back on the student union building for a sit in.” No doubt democrats could equate to that scenario faster than to honorable service in Viet Nam. By the way I know this is off subject but Rev. Wright is whining about the Obama Administration throwing him under the bus, can you think of anyone (other than Holder) who deserves to be thrown under a bus more than Wright?
Politics and lies, both the same thing. If the lies are blatant, the politician becomes president.
Yeah the Dems just can’t seem to get this stuff right. Like the Repub in the next post, he could have just stuck with serving DURING Vietnam. Sure, most people would know that means he was a REMF, but that’s more than most of us.
Bonus question – major party presidential candidate with the most impressive war record since Ike? George McGovern – Bomber Pilot -35 missions over Europe – Distinguished Flying Cross – managed NOT to get his boat, arm, plane shot out from under him.
All this lying stuff reminds me of a Richard Pryor line from one of his comedy records:
“He’d tell a lie, then I’d tell a lie. Then we’d complement each others lies.”
There I was, at 40,000 ft. We didn’t believe in parachutes in our squadron, an’ all I had was my trusty .45………
@ hachie 1: I thought you were headed toward a true story of the Colt model 1911A. During WWII, 2d Lt. Owen J. Baggett shot down a Japanese Zero with his Colt .45 while hanging from his parachute after bailing out of his own aircraft:
Check out the site for stories and lore of the Colt model 1911.
Meanwhile, this kid just claimed to have gone to MIT and got into Harvard and he’s going to jail…..what’s the difference?
It is illegal to claim that you have served in the military for personal gain (federal law, Stolen Valor Act). It is a federal misdemeanor, punishable by no more than 1 year in prison. See
Has this dirtbag been arrested yet?