Al Gore was the focus of some sexual assault charges? Wow. Then again, he did spend a lot of time around Bill Clinton. Of course, it could all be a mistake; maybe the masseuse ran into some tree branches and thought it was Al Gore groping her.
I don’t know what to say other than to repeat my usual advice of keeping a good distance away from Al Gore. He’s always going on about crazy made up stuff like elves, leprechauns, and carbon credits, and who knows — he could be dangerous. Just don’t get alone in a room with him.
“As you can see from this slideshow, global warming is melting the polar icecaps at an alarming rate. Now I’m gonna feel you up.”
I don’t understand what went wrong. She did use the never fail defense against an attacking Al Gore:
“Look! A box of chocolates!”
Sorry, Yer gonna have to feel me up first. Then you’ll have my attention so I might listen to your Ice Berg story.
This is entirely unsurprising.
-What if it was really that Bill took the hit for Gore in the sex-fiend Lewinsky scandal because nobody wanted to have Tipper to assassinate anyone? Besides they knew Hillary and her live-in assistant/girlfriend would be ok with it.
-Guess we have found evidence of the the “pig” in “man-bear-pig.”
He is a man who has a hard on for polar bears and is a pig to woman.
-I noticed the police report was filed in 2006 or so? I am sure if this happened to any R I’m sure the media would have chose not to run the story since it could not be properly substantiated you know other then the lady filing the police report and then the police insisting they need more evidence.
Every man in America knows evidence doesn’t matter jack squat if a women claims you sexually harassed her. It is why a lot of us after hearing enough horror stories years ago started doing things like refusing to give female co-workers rides if we would be alone with them or eating. A friend of mines Dad was a psychologist and one of his old fat patients accused him with no evidence and got a big “payday” he lost his license, home, and his practice.
If Gore had an “R” next to his name instead of a “D” he would almost certainly have been through jail and counseling and been sued penniless. And that is why I have no respect for the current far left shills of the feminist movement or for many of the women who blindly follow it.
So wait, a mentally-unbalanced career politician, with limited intelligence, who’s dangerously obsessed with fame, power and money cheats on his wife? I’m shocked.
You know, I almost always read the latest news before Frank writes them up. But Frank’s take on them causes me severe coffee / breathing / nose problems!! Dammit Frank.
Loved the tree branches. Frank J = genius.
Unfortunately, because he does have a “D” next to his name, this is a resume’ enhancer, not the trip to jail that it should be.
The whole thing is untrue according to a consensus of scientists!
Somebody should totally do a top ten list of Al Gore pickup lines. Oh, wait.
Of course, Gore has the magic “D” for delicious and delightful so it shouldn’t surprise this has been kept underwraps for almost 4 years. Also, he’s Al “I sure fooled the hell out of you and made a fortune off this climate change scam” Gore. And it happened in a bluer than blue Democrat state, Oregon, so you know they had plenty of incentive to cover it up. You know if he had an “R” for repugnant and reprehensible, he would have been tried and convicted and sentenced to 20 years hard labor in 2006.
To be fair, while considering what the dems do to republicans daily, this story does have some issuea. But if this had been a conserative this would be screamong top banner front page news for weeks. The press covered Lweinski for weeks.
Run inot the tree limbs….. gotta clean my monitor again. Maybe he thought she was a tree hugger.
“What do you mean she doesn’t give that kind of massage?” -Al
You know this broad is just sour grapes and got what she deserved.
She went to the algore’s hotel room for a late night “massage”. She didn’t move quick enough to stop tree boy from groping and kissing her? she kept a stain filled pant suit? What was she going to hillary’s next? She went to algore’s without a chainsaw? And since when are the algore’s arm long enough to grope anyone over that gut?
You would think a guy who invented the internet would be smart enough not to be in this situation. *sigh* Looks like another inconvenient truth for AlGore the carbon w hore. There may not be global warming but Al’s apparently all hot & bothered.
Perhaps it’s not Al’s fault, perhaps he has no control over the situation. Maybe Al is a were-manbearpig and he only does these lustful things only when the moon is full. As the old saying goes….Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night, may become a manbearpig when the manbearpigbane blooms, and the autumn moon is bright.
And Man-Bear-Pig
from the transcript: “Then he rolled over onto his back, and although he was covered, it was clear he was arroused. Seeing me eye his bulge, he said, ‘Its an inconvenient truth that I have an erection.'”
No, not really.
but here is a pretty creepy part from the transcript, if true:
Urn, because I, I, you know, I live in “The Birkenstock Tribe” and it’s like being the ultimate traitor. And by the by, there are people urn, one who is so black and white Left wing, she ceased talking to me. Another one who was basically asking me to just suck it up, otherwise the world’s going to be destroyed from global warming. And I was like, these are women. I’m like, where is the feminist in you? What the hell? This is not okay.