An Easy Mistake to Make

Turns out President Obama’s seemingly out of touch reaction to the Gulf oil spill disaster was all the result of a simple misunderstanding.

When his advisers told him he needed to spend more time on the “Gulf Coast,” he thought they said that he needed to spend more time on the “Golf Course.”



  1. you mean those big friggin’ ears don’t work? What the hell good are they, then?

    “I can'[t hear good, and buckets get stuck on my head. I don’t even wear glasses, so they can’t even do *that* menial job.”

  2. To win over his detractors one at a time he crossed off Bill Maher by adding a 9mm iron to his bag. Next up is our own FrankJ by his use of the pun, The oily bird gets the worm.

  3. When he’s on the golf course, at least he’s occupied with something other then doing harm to the nation. Therefore, I wish he’d spend more of his time on the golf course.

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