I don’t get this whole flotilla thing. So Israel kills a bunch of peace activists and everyone is mad… even though they’re like super-murdery peace activists — the sort of peace activist who want nothing more than war. And as usual, the left’s opinion is if you’re not wholeheartedly on the side of those who want to commit genocide, you’re a racist.
Israel is in a funny position because they’re surrounded by people who want to genocide them, but because all those people are too pathetic to actually be able to go through their genocide plans, Israel is supposed to be nice to them. It’s like if in Germany the Nazis weren’t the ones ruling the country but were instead an oppressed minority. Even though their intentions are very evil, because they suck everyone is supposed to feel bad for them.
Now, back in the day, if some group wanted to genocide you and you could easily crush them, they’d be crushed. If the Palestinians were more powerful than Israel, that’s what would happen. But in the civilized world, that’s a no-no. So we have Israel trying to live with and be nice to those who deep down want to genocide them. I think they do a pretty good job at that. Sure, they kill a few people on flotillas now and then, but it’s not like they saturation bomb the Palestinians. And what if they did wipe out the Palestinians, what would happen? They’d get yelled at and get a U.N. condemnation — basically Israel’s average Tuesday. So the only reason they don’t kill everybody is because they want to be good guys.
So, I just want to tell Israel: You guys are really nice for not going to ballistic and killing everyone around you. That’s some huge restraint on your part and I appreciate it.
We should send them some of those new medals for ‘Meritorious Restraint’ that the lefties want to start giving to soldiers who don’t kill bad guys. I’m sure there’ll be plenty left over.
So, genocide is now a verb?
Frank, the word “genocide” is a noun. The related adjective is “genocidal”. I believe the word(s) that you are looking for is “genocidize” or, alternatively, “genocidinate”…. both are the verb forms of “genocide”. Just trying to edumacate.
You know, if they did go nuts and bomb the crap out of everyone around them, I might still be ok with that.
If Israel takes out their nuclear arsenal and makes the desert uninhabitable for the next century, I would be O.K. with that too. They use restraint because they know that if they are pushed to the wall, or in their case, the sea, that entire region will never be the same.
By the way Frank, Israel never gave a crap about any U.N. condemnations or sanctions. They have as much use for the U.N. as man does for a nagging mother-in-law.
We ought to loan Israel a whole bunch of our Gadsden “Don’t Tread On Me” Flags. They’re small but mighty, and they’re the good guys.
Blockade pretty much means…well, blockade. Any questions?
Perhaps we should send Israel some of those nukes the NY Times has deemed to be excess to our needs and unnecessary for our national defense. I’m sure they could find a good use for them in their national defense. As far as the UN is concerned, if the Israelis had ever paid any attention to them or taken any of their advice or criticism seriously they would have been overrun and destroyed thirty, forty years ago.
The Isrealis could single handedly kick the booties of all of the nations around them. Kind of like the Fred Thopmpson of the middle east. Plus the Isreali soldiers have sand in their shorts. That can make you real mean. I know I get real mean when I have sand in my shorts.
This is on par with the media’s coverage of the Arizona Immigration Law. The majority of the population is for it, but the press keeps trying to be negative about it. Same with Israel. This isn’t news, this is a media event, staged for the media and broadcast in such a way as to make Israel look bad. The problem is though, more and more people are becoming aware of how badly the media slants things and discounts them. Then they look to their liberal friends to stage the protests and act like…like…liberals in front of the cameras.
@Guuggysdad & Daneil: Ya know, I kinda like Frank’s use of the word “genocide.” I might just use it. Besides, I presume any apparent mistakes on this blog are purely intentional. They give IMAO the personal touch appropriate for a blog about violencing hippies. Additionally, they enfunny the posts.
Look, Frank has a license to create as many inverse gerunds as he likes. (What’s it called when you turn a noun into a verb? Poetic licensing?) He’s just funing us with his wordsing. He likes to genius-up his blog with plenty of clever word smithing.
Verbing weirds language.
You should read up on the six day war. I remember a story about a hero tank driver Avigdor Kahalani who was driving all around shooting from different places and making all kinds of radio chatter so that the invading Arabs did not realize there was only one guy in a tank up on his hill. He then by himself assembled all the random disorganized soldiers he could find to take a stand.
The left was and some of the right was against Israel even when they were outgunned (they are still out-manned hundreds to one)
I find myself increasingly sympathetic to Israelis but not their government which is more corrupt then ours. American Liberal Jews that’s a different story. I never held any animosity to them until they started making war on us.
this story pisses me off
the flotilla refused to stop after multiple orders to do so AT A CHECKPOINT, so they sent on board a raiding party. they did not open fire, they simply boarded
then this humanitarian group, before any real provocation, began stabbing and beating the commandos with knives and pipes, one soldiers gun is taken from him, and is shot.
how is this not open and shut? there was not a SINGLE time where israel was at fault in this scenario, and if they had boarded the ship with beanbag guns, then what we would have seen was a bunch of anti-semitic assholes murdering jews because they had the gall to defend themselves from possible missile attacks.
Ahmadinejad: ‘Israeli commandos are wild dogs’…
Just another reason I love Isreali commandos!!
I’m sure Frank’s use of genocide as a verb was intentional and meant to be ironic. In pointing it out, my intention was to be facetious and obnoxious. I suspect I’ve achieved the latter, I just hope to cromulently embiggen the former.
Order them to stop, then target the engine room – right along the water line.
Then board them as they’re sinking from the stern.
(Or just call it a night and go home.)
Heh-heh, Daneil said embiggen.
“So we have Israel trying to live with and be nice to those who deep down want to genocide them.”
It isn’t that deep down.
Kahalani was the general in that area, not the tank driver