The current fake issue of the day is… Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT).
Yes, it’s a fake issue.
If it was a real issue, the Democrats would have approached yesterday’s vote in another manner. More on how the Democrats could repeal DADT in a moment. For now, we should all be honest and recognize that throwing issues like this into appropriations bills are intended to make political capital, nothing more.
Yesterday, 40 Republican Senators joined Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and two other Democrat Senators in voting against DATA attachments to a defense authorizations bill. Who says the GOP won’t work with the Senate leadership?
What does the vote mean for Republicans? Nothing. Not a single Republican lost a November vote and not a single Democrat picked up a November vote.
Now, if the Senate wants to take on DADT, then the Senate should take on DADT, not back door it. So to speak.
But should the Senate address DADT?
The solution seems simple to me: if the Commander-in-Chief directs military personnel to ignore the current restrictions and to drop all DADT prosecutions. And he can promise (and — this is key — deliver) pardons to anyone who is prosecuted in defiance of his orders. At least, that’s what I would do. And it would work.
Why won’t Obama do it?
He has nothing to gain by doing it.
If he did, the whole issue would go away. No Republican president would revoke the decision after January 20, 2013. DADT would effectively be dead. And, eventually, DADT would come off the books.
But, like I said, Obama won’t do it. Because it would take away a cudgel the Democrats use against Republicans.
Obama and the Democrats don’t want to win the issue. They had large enough majorities to make it happen for a year and a half.
So, what do they want? They want to argue the issue.
Because if they have something to point at and say “Look how unfair this is!” then they have a distraction from the real issues. Like the socialist policies they believe in, and how they are damaging this country.
And that’s damage that no army — no matter how many heterosexuals or homosexuals make up that army — can defend against.
This has always been a non-issue for me. Of course I’m not in the military and don’t have to sleep in the same room with either homosexuals or members of the opposite gender. Seems to me organizations should find sleeping arrangements that protect both hetero and homo sexuals and get on with life. Of course what someone’s proclivities are is their business until they make them my business buy action or design.
That said I never go up to people and introduce myself as “Hello I’m ……..and I’m heterosexual”, or even better “Hello I’m …………and I have sex with my husband who is a man”. Why would anyone need to know this? Why would anyone care? Not to mention at my age it’s a bad mental picture you’ve just painted for someone you’ve just met.
I just think a persons sexuality should be private but today I’m not sure anyone knows the meaning of the word.
The Democrats know repealing or otherwise removing DADT would be foolish. They seem to fear and distrust the military, but even with their arrogance they know the military knows what’s best for the military. Besides, nothing in the Commerce Clause can clearly get rid of DADT.
heh heh “back door it”
So, let’s review. A pastor in Florida burning some Korans puts soldiers in harms way, because we’re at war with Muslims. The same Muslims put homosexuals to death. So, sending the message to these same Muslims that if they capture one of our soldiers he might very well be gay doesn’t increase the chances he’ll be killed by his captors? Umm…okay.
Interesting how in the liberal world the rules just keep changing depending upon how it affects their agenda.
I’m not mongering hate, but I’m not keen on repealing Don’t Ax Don’t Tell. Along the same vein I’m equally annoyed with the feel-good decision to station women on submarines (Don’t Boink Don’t Tell). As if that isn’t bad enough, we’re taking away the submariners’ smokes (Don’t Smoke Don’t Yell). Approximately 42.81% of submariners smoke, and I would want to be aboard the first smoke free patrol.
It’s all about combat readiness. Let ’em smoke, I say, but no boinking, and don’t tell your bunkmates about your sexual proclivities — homo/hetero/or other.
Ooooops, “wouldn’t” want to be on the first clean air patrol.
I thought Don’t ask don’t tell was about Hillary’s new haircut.
I liked one of Early’s hats on Squidbillies (Adult Swim cartoon). “Didn’t ask, Don’t tell.”