I’d Rather Korans Not Get Burned and I’d Rather People Not Get Violent If They Were

So some guy is planning to burn Korans on 9/11 and it’s this big international thing with everyone condemning it. If some guy were going to burn Bibles, we’d be like, “I guess it’s Tuesday.” I mean, we’re just used to offenses like that and know to shrug them off, but the assumption is that Muslims are much lesser than civilized people — like children but violent — and moronic, violent behavior has to be expected as a result of this.

Now, I think burning Korans is a jerky thing to do. It’s sort of an infantile, “Look how offensive I’m being!” I mean, refute the Koran, but burning it is just silly. It makes it look like we’re scared of it like Saudi Arabia is with the Bible. Plus, the whole point is to cause conflict, and the guy doing it says he’s a pastor but that doesn’t sound very Christany.

At the same time, Muslims have to get offended sometimes and learn to shrug it off. That’s part of being in the civilized world, and if Muslims can’t take it then they have to stay seated at the kiddie table and don’t get to be equal with everyone else. It’s also just beyond absurd with all the people being murdered in the Middle East and our troops and innocent civilians getting killed over there, a couple books being burned is what gets everyone all offended. Plus, being able to offend people and not be murdered for it is an important American right, and more people need to stick up for that.

At this point, I almost hope the Koran burning goes down just so everyone can learn to shrug it off. I mean, if it happened and there was nothing but the verbal condemnation, wouldn’t that be a huge step forward. That would improve people’s perceptions of Muslims a lot more than some mosque at Ground Zero.


  1. Book burning is creepy..don’t care who is doing it, don’t care what book it is….makes my skin crawl and causes uncomfortableness for me. This for me is the same as the GZ mosque, just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD. But the man has right to make his point however he likes as long as he doesn’t break any laws in the process.

  2. You may have the right to do it, but it is in bad taste. I am waiting for the supporters of the GZ Mosque to step up and support this Pastor’s right to burn the Koran (however ill conceived his thought process is). Burning books takes me back to reading the book Faherneit 451 by Ray Bradbury, censorship and governemtn control was achieved through book burning. Scarrrrryyyyyy!

  3. The thing about book burning is that you have to buy the book to burn it. Or steal it, or borrow it, or something, but at some point, it has to be purchased. Perhaps I’ll write a book so offensive that millions of people want to burn it, as I am unable to write a book anyone would want to actually read.
    1. Write book millions want to burn.
    2. Millions of people buy book to burn it.
    2. Prosper!

  4. “If some guy were going to burn Bibles, we’d be like, ‘I guess it’s Tuesday.'”

    If some guy were going to burn Bibles, he’d be eligible for a government grant supporting “the arts”.

  5. If the angst over burnt Korans continues to result in violence, one day Korans will be burnt in Mecca, atop the radioactive rubble of the Kabbah. May I suggest that we don’t need to go that far, but the folks who need to do the tolerating are the ones who are allowed to visit Mecca now, not the ones who will take the damage assessment photos later.

    We in the civilized world are waiting in rather a patient manner for the barbarians to become civil towards us. If incivility is what they insist upon, we have lots of it to share with them, and they won’t like it.

  6. I’m with Dede. Plus, I don’t want to give the ground zero mosque builders any more misplaced sympathy than they already have.

    I think the pastor could score a coup by cancelling the Koran burning at the last minute and replacing it with a giant free-for-the-public good old fashioned weenie roast. I’d toss in smores for dessert just because they are distinctly American and yummy.

  7. the point of the thing is not the burning of the koran

    the point of the thing is calling a spade a spade – recognizing that islam is inherently evil and not really a religion

    and islam, the enemy of the West and civilization, is behaving predictably

    i do not plan to burn a koran – that is far too mild for me to exercise my freedom of expression

  8. These are all good comments. Too bad Frank and the rest of us aren’t writing for the MSM. I have opined elsewhere in these pages about this and why it is, but book burning is creepy nasty bad.

    I am waiting for Teh One to invite this pastor and the GZM inmam over for a beer.

  9. You’ve got to admit it sure is fun to watch the liberals who normally condone, justify, support, or at best have nothing negitive to say when it comes to burning the American flag do a whole lot of whining, sniveling and steppin’ and fetchin’ and hand wringing when it comes to this particular act of protest.

  10. I see the koran burning as a response to the GZ mosque. Most Christians don’t have the monetary/government support that comes with having ties to various terrorist organizations and moslem theocracies, otherwise, I expect this pastor would be trying to build a church in Mecca.

    Offend us, and you should expect the same in kind. Tolerance and respect in this country is a mutual prospect.

  11. Burning a Koran is like whacking a wasp nest with a stick. You’ll only piss them off and they’ll attack you. The best way to remove a wasp nest is through spray poison, like Raid or Black Flag or napalm. Or a nuclear warhead.

  12. I too am uncomfortable with this idea however we could make it a game. We could say to Iran, we won’t burn any Korans today but you can’t stone any women either. First woman stoned we burn her weight in Korans. Or now uranium enriched or we’ll burn the atomic firepower of uranium in Korans.

    I would be less on the fence if I didn’t personally know that you can not take “Zionist” literature into Muslim countries. You know that pesky Bible, New or Old Testament any other religious text you might mention be they generically Christian or specific to a denomination. I personally think they are scared to death of Jesus Christ. If their people ever found out about what Jesus really taught they wouldn’t be able to keep them in burkas for long. Hence the jihad against Him and His followers. The god of their religion is a jealous god, one of the many reasons he was cast out, originally.

  13. The pastor should simply declare his belief that the Koran is not a holy book, but a blueprint for violence, oppression, subjugation and intolerance – just like “Mein Kampf”. He should then torch a copy of Der Fuhrer’s tome. “Anybody have a problem with that? No? Then you shouldn’t have a problem with this.”

    He could also make the case that this is how The Bible is treated in Muslim lands, after it’s confiscated and you’re put under arrest.

    Finally he should burn all the major religions’ books over the course of a week, one a day, saving the Koran for last. When only the Muslims go berserk, he should say, “See – that’s my point, exactly!” When the inevitable backlash and unrelenting pressure from every corner of liberal and conservative thought demand punishment, or at the very least, an apology and a vow to never repeat this exercise, he should just say, “Who says violence never solves anything?”

    I say light the fuse. Let them go on a worldwide bloodthirsty rampage over nonsense. Maybe when enough Park Avenue bleeding hearts become exactly that at the hands of Abdullah, this country, and especially this town (NYC) will wake the f— up.

  14. Totally Stolen from another’s witty comment from another blog ready about 15 minutes ago:
    I am apposed to burning Koreans. I served in Korea and I like South Koreans. If you have to burn Koreans, burn the Commies up north.
    That’s all I have to say about that!

  15. Philosophically, I’m not into book-burning; that’s a Nazi thing. But I don’t understand why they’re getting all hostile about it.

    They don’t get that upset when one of our Predator operators gives the latest Taliban leader a Hellfire enema.

  16. burning books is in bad taste but in this country we have a right to do it. the clear winner here is the publisher.

    anyway, as distasteful as this is, I’m sure that the tolerant, wise followers of the “Religion of Peace” will simply forgive and see this gesture for what it is – one of bad taste and an exercise of one’s rights. Much the same way that Christians in this country do when an artist places a crucifix in a jar or urine or smears elephant feces on a painting of the Virgin Mary and exhibits it as art. I’m sure we will have nothing more than some peaceful protesting and heated, but rational discussion on some television shows and that’ll be the end of it. They’ll be over it by Monday morning like any other civilized peaceful people on this planet.

  17. Latest word I heard (4pm, 9/9/10) is the preacher backed down. Phew!

    I wasn’t worried about our troops – They’re well armed, well trained, well organized and on high alert – so if Anyone is prepared to deal with an angry mob, it’d be them.
    They might actually prefer the enemy to come out in the open for a change.
    Unfortunately, even b*tsh*t bugged-eyed hysterical kill-crazy radical Muslims aren’t crazy enough to march down a street in broad daylight into any fortified US position.
    Heck, if that’s all it took to flush them out, burning Korans would have become SOP long before now.
    No, I was worried about the small Christian and Jewish minorities in the predominately Muslim parts of Asia, Africa and the Mid-East who always seem to get the short end of the stick when the Dirty Nightshirt Mob goes looking for a victim.
    These people live their lives like people locked in a cage with a sleeping lion, every day the lion remains asleep, is a good day.
    The preachers plan seemed like he was poking that lion with a long stick to prove how brave he was, with no regard for the poor souls who were actually In the cage with the beast.
    Oh sure, if he doesn’t p*ss em off this week by burning a book, something else probably will, but in that case at least the bloodtrail won’t lead right back to him.

    Still, if he wants to be REALLY Biblical, he could have set it up like Elijah vs the prophets of Baal, and called on God to light the bonfire. If no fire from heaven, then no bonfire, and he turns to the cameras and says, “Well, I guess I was wrong. No book burning today, folks. Sorry you made the trip for nothing!”

    On the other hand, if the fire came down… well, it would make interesting television, I guess.

  18. Of course the nimrods at the Westbrough Baptist Church, fresh from trampling the flag and protesting at a funeral for a military member, who by the by gave their life to allow these antichrists to continue to spew their hatred and dissent , is going to ratchet up the vitriol. As usual they are wresting defeat from the jaws of victory.

    I personally would favor the afore mentioned nimrods burning books as long as they did it inside their own building with the proviso that they can’t rebuild unless they do so on a deserted island, some where in the North Pacific. I would want them to get sunburned, or anything. Always looking out for others -that’s my motto.

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