The Ron Paul candidacy in ’08 was really good to IMAO for the purposes of humor, so I thought I should give his entering the race more fanfare. What better way, I thought, than to draw a picture of him? Well, there are probably lots of better ways, but I drew a picture anyway:
Can’t really disagree with anything he says.
That got me thinking I could draw all the other GOP presidential candidates. That could take time, though, and I’ve never been clear who is officially running or not. Still, I thought I’d draw one of my favorites candidates from those who (I think) declared their intentions to run: Tim Pawlenty!
Oh, what we’d give to have a boring, boring presidency again.
Tizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Now stop that!!! Let’s see you draw Donald Trump Mr. Fancy Pants Artist! How are you going to handle that hair? Plus you have to have him punching Barry in the nads asking for his grades!
You mean that you don’t find it interesting that Pawlenty would be not only the first Polish-surnamed President, but the first President named Tim?
Actually, I’m in favor of a boring presidency, too. I remember the Eisenhower years. They were wonderful.
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If only we could nominate Coolidge, if just for one term. Silent Cal was so, so great.
I never noticed one of T-Paw’s legs was longer than the other.
Ron Paul without his pants on? Ewwww.
You have pawlenty of time to draw the others, Frank, so get busy! I can’t wait to see your renditions of Ryan, West and Cain.
Just be careful how you draw Sarah Palin. Mama Grizzly eats twerps who diss her and Alaska.
RON PAUL 2012!
Sarah P MUST have a scoped rifle in her hands. Nothing less will do.
@Rock Throwing Peasant,
His one leg has been longer than the other ever since the bizarre stamp collecting accident. If it had been anyone else, the bloody accident, complete with removal of part of his leg, would be somewhat interesting. But, since it’s Tim Pawlenty, it’s not, so I’ll spare you the details.
Mom, just called. You have to go home now. It’s looking pretty cloudy and she doesn’t want you riding your bike home in the rain.
I’ll take boring Tim over running around with his pants on fire Obama anytime. “The country is running fine zzzzz yawn”
Frnack’s drawing skills are getting better all the time.
Hey…Ron Paul doesn’t have a weener? His pants are on his head and I don’t see the junk? So like what does that mean? I’m getting suspicious! Either Frank can’t draw weeners or Ron Paul had a Gender Norming procedure. You can’t trust someone with two first names…I know that for sure!
Guido, your mom called again. She’s done with her “friend” that stops by for an hour each week. She has 20 dollars that she wants to to come by the trailer house and pick up. She needs Vodka, Marlboro Reds and Lottery Tickets. Thanks!
I’m still baffled as to why Obama is considered to be some kind of a genius. Maybe guys like Dana Milbank are so dumb they think anyone who knows to use a spoon rather than a fork on Jell-O is a genius. It’s been nothing but the same old left-wing garbage all the live-long day. Hell, yeah, bring on dull ol’ Tim Pawlenty. At least his dull ideas are known to work.
I think you made Pawlenty look a little too interesting, but that’s just my opinion.
Wow, the Paulnuts can learn, they’ve finally figured out you’re baiting them.
I’m kind of torn on that.
On the one hand they can be pretty funny.
On the other hand, there are usually more who are boring and repetitive.
I’ll have to think about that.
Spoken like a bunch of people who never tried pants on the head. They are like a nice warm hat with two long tubes for comfortable air circulation. And of course unlike regular hats they have a zipper you can poke your finger out while making wang jokes.
Frank J., you’ve done the impossible. You have captured the essence, nay, the life force of Ron Paul.
Great hairdo on Pawlenty Frank. Almost like it was done from a photo.
I am glad you pointed out those are pants onr RON PAUL!!!111!!’s head. I thought he was mocking barry hussein osama and wearing a turbin/doo rag.
Applying the rules of rock, paper, scissors, does “pants on head” beat “bucket on head,” as in “pants wrap bucket”? If so, we have a contender! Go, Ron Paul!!11!11! Wrap that bucket-head!
Also, pants on the head is great for pretending you are a twi`lek. Yea I went there, suck it, you all can quote trek I can quote wars.
Pawlenty is naked. How is that not interesting? He’s one of the few candidates I wouldn’t be scared to see naked. Just don’t draw Ron Paul that way.
I’ve never decided on whom to vote for this early, but it’s defiantly ABO this time. But for real entertainment value I would like to see Ron Paul and The Donald run as a team promising that they would both abdicate just after being sworn in to Rand / Ivanka.
Always remember: In a debate between a Ron Paul supporter and anybody else, the one who isn’t the Ron Paul supporter has the home planet advantage.