Random Thoughts

There is a lot in the Middle East to be angry about, but all they seem to rage about is really stupid stuff.

People are much more sacred to God than books.

“Bush handled everything about the War on Terror horribly… but so far I haven’t figured out how to do anything differently.” -Obama

I got criticized for putting a Koran being burned on YouTube, but you were the ones who asked to see my wedding video.

Don’t pay attention to local news, so I missed that Boise got hit with radioactive rain. EPA says we’re okay, so yay.


  1. I saw a guy set a Koran on fire the other day. Thinking quickly, I put the fire out by plunging it into a toilet. Muslim outrage averted! Whew, that was close! No telling how many lives I saved. I should get a medal or something.

  2. Perhaps we should invert the paradigm? For every innocent killed by islamofascists, we burn a koran. Each of us. That could be thousands per month, but the printers can probably keep up with it.

  3. I wouldn’t worry about the radioactive rain. Radiation in small doses is actually good for you. It’s only when you are either exposed to abnormally high levels of radiation over a long period of time, or decide to run naked through a reactor core that you got to worry.

  4. Cooking bacon on a Koran fire gives it a very distinct Mideast flavor. Throw in some potatoes and eggs in the sizzling bacon fat, sprinkle-on some dill weed, serve with a side of unsweetened yogurt (an important Mideast touch) and wash it all down with a breakfast beer. This is hardy meal is recommended before a morning on the shooting range with paper Hadji targets.

    Oh my. Am I inflaming the issue? Here, let me turn the other cheek so you can kiss it, too. Psssssst.

  5. You are probably ok with the radioactive rain, Frank! If however you wake up some night and your pee pee is glowing bright green lighting the way to the bathroom, you have either become The Hulk or you should go to the Hospital where they will probably lop it off and put it in a lead box for safe storage…

  6. “There is a lot in the Middle East to be angry about, but all they seem to rage about is really stupid stuff.”

    Well, the Middle East is a very stupid place, so it makes sense they would be angry about stupid stuff.

    “Don’t pay attention to local news, so I missed that Boise got hit with radioactive rain. EPA says we’re okay, so yay.”

    Don’t forget to wear your lead beanie!

  7. My power just went out and the whole room went dark so I couldn’t see my computer screen. Luckily there was an old Koran nearby. So, I lit it on fire and it cast a wonderful glow over my screen so that I could read this post. Thank you Allah.

  8. There is a lot in the Middle East to be angry about, but all they seem to rage about is really stupid stuff.

    I dunno. I think that’s the way of the world. The difference in the Middle East is that what would be considered pissed off here is considered bomb-strapping-angry there. Achmed the Dead Terrorist isn’t far from the mark.

  9. People are more sacrd than books to God. Books are more sacred than people to allah.

    Obama does handle the Middle East differently than Bush. Obama waits until after the action to make a decision.

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