If you rearrange the letters in Mitt Romney, you get ‘mormon robot’.
After 13 sequels, did anyone ever ask Square Enix if they know what the English word “final” means?
Set up a Roku for my parents. Nifty little thing.
I was thinking, and that Talky Tina doll from that one Twilight Zone episode would make a great Secretary of State. In public with foreign leaders: “Let’s be best friends!” In private: “I don’t like you. I’m going to kill you.”
Silly Frank J., Squeenix doesn’t do coherent titles. They just think of words that sound kind of cool and mash them together. This is the same company who is naming the new Kingdom Hearts game “Dream Drop Distance.”
I thought Romney was a robot. But aren’t robots suppose to be like super smart and stuff? Whoever programmed Romney probably worked for Microsoft! He’s still running Windows 3.1 on DOS. No reason to upgrade to anything fancy at this time, thank you!
If I made a Robot he would be more like Donald Trump only with Hillary Clinton’s evil powers to unleash the dogs of hell as her eyes turn an evil demon red. When you see that…run like the dickens because you are about to be smoted to within an inch of your life. Ask Bill!
If you rearrange the letters in Mitt Romney, you get ‘mormon robot’.
No, but you do get “Not my merit”.
If they actually nominate Romney, I swear I’ll cast a write-in vote for “Halsey acted stupidly”.
I thought Hillary WAS Talky Tina, the possessed doll. Acts just like her.
Mitt Romney is a mormon robot. Better than bHo, but still a morman robot.
The Republicans need to get serious about a presidential candidate, or I’ll nominate Frank. Or Cheny.
Square Enix was JarJar Binx’s next door neoghbor.
Anyone But Mitt! http://www.anyonebutmitt.com/category/Default.aspx
Roku: Japanese for Roomba?
“I’m Talky Tina Fey, and I hate Sarah Palin!”
Roku…Japanese for teh ghey!!!
If you rearrange the letters in Republican you get “crap in blue”. Yep.
Roku rocks.
“If you rearrange the letters in Mitt Romney, you get ‘mormon robot’.”
If you make time to sit and rearrange the letters in Mitt Romney’s name to see what words it will spell, you’re either unemployed or in love with Mitt Romney. I hope you lost your job.
If you rearrange the letters in Mitt Romney you still get “Obamacare.”
Gas/food prices and unemployment/welfare cutbacks are probably going to do Obama in. Mainly because those are things the Media cant hide from people and people largely do not pay attention to anything else “political.” I don’t know who the “R” nominee is going to be but better or worse we better find someone and get as much influence over him/her now as we can.
Of all the health care mandate/fee hikes/signing bills with Kennedy/etc.. things not to like about Mitt Romney and you point to our religion? Islam in the skies, courts, and media. Horde of angry Catholics coming from the south and your axe to grind is a religion with active supporters that are literally less then 1% of the nation? Like I say to lefties ranting about Koch bros and Fox news… wish I had your problems.
Also, the mind boggles at how fundamentally different America would be today if Romneys’ father had won the nomination instead of one Richard Nixon. Mitt is simply not leadership caliber of his father and worse is NE blueblood. He did do a great job cleaning up and well executing the Olympics after 9/11.
Also congratulations on finding a group of 1% of Americans who you can target and they wont riot, bomb, murder, sue, march, or crucify you in the media and will at the end of the day vote with you out of principle. Super “brave” of you.
On a more humerous note, from the headline I thought this was a spring break story.
I think it’s hilarious the way you made fun of Mormons in this post! Oh, wait. You didn’t? Nevermind, then.
The Last Two Years Have Been Like A Fairy Tale: http://www.tobytoons.com/td/
If you rearrange Mitt Romney you get
More tiny Mt. I guess it works… Kilimanjaro is a more tiny mt than Everest.
Just go with it.
Why the hate for Mitt? Keep in mind, he was working with the Dem cesspool that is the MA legislature.