Nuke the News: Are We Back to Inevitability?

* There was another — yes, another! — debate last night. Luckily, I had to work late and completely missed the whole thing. Another advantage of gainful employment.

Anyway, I heard that there was a long discussion of moon bases during it. I don’t like moon bases. That could ruin my nuke the moon plans. People would say, “You can’t nuke the moon; there’s a moon base there.” And I wouldn’t know how to respond to that. So a moon base is a horrible idea.

Consensus on the debate seems to be that Newt blew his chance to regain any momentum. Intrade now has Romney back to having an over 90% chance of winning Florida, so we’re back to “Romney is inevitable and nothing can stop him!” mode. So let’s once again practice being Romney boosters.

Here’s my new attempt at a Romney slogan:

“Romney 2012: Much like the T-800 in Terminator 2, he’s been reprogrammed to be on our side.”

* Hey, Biden is adding accents to his routine. After the election and we’re all celebrating acknowledging that Romney is president, he and Obama should develop a vaudeville routine and travel the country. Obama would be the Abbot and Biden the Costello. Part of the routine would be Biden constantly accidentally saying racist things about Obama while Obama just tries to ignore it — basically what he does in his presidency now.

“Hey, Obama!”

* Yet another Democrat has accused Republicans of being terrorists. I know I’ve made this point before, but it’s worth saying again: Obviously conservatives aren’t terrorists because liberals still exist. There are many more conservatives than liberals, we have lots of guns, we have the majorities in the military, so we if we ever did decide to be terrorists and kill all the liberals, it would probably take about a weekend. But we don’t, because that would mean. Still, it would be nice for liberals to acknowledge every once in a while that the only reason they exist is because conservatives eschew violence against others just because they disagree with them. In fact, they should give us a cash reward for how nice we are. We should demand that.

* James Taranto found this silly article about “colorblind racism”. I didn’t actually read it as the Orwellian title tells you all you need to know. If you’re arguing than one can’t end racism unless we still focus on race, you’re actually not arguing against racism. What you’re arguing is that you still need it and don’t want it to end.

* Here’s a letter signed by sixteen scientists (Science!) that there is no compelling need for drastic measures against global warming. I like how at the beginning the letter points out the use of “incontrovertible” by those arguing for global warming. There is no incontrovertible in science (there is in Science! but not science); if something is incontrovertible, it’s gone from science to dogma. Part of the problem of the whole global warming craze is its damage to the idea of what science really is. The anti-science people are really the ones who prop science up as some unquestionable religion when that’s never what true science would claim to be.

So we need more education for people on how to tell “science” from “Science!”.

* Wisdom of the Day from Michael J. Nelson:

Barry White’s songs are less romantic if you imagine, with precise detail, Barry White making love.

Random Thoughts

I’m okay with people saying Romney is the only viable choice. I just get angry if they act like he’s not a crappy choice.

It should be illegal to use the term “fair share” without some concrete definition of it. Sentence for this crime: punch to face.

“Fair share” will never be defined as far as taxation. It’s not a policy. It’s just a whine.

So are we serious on this debt thing, or is that just a partisan attack we’ll forget when we have a Republican president?