* While less than a week ago people were expecting Gingrich to win Florida coming off his big South Carolina win, Romney is now expected to win it easily tomorrow. Intrade now has Romney at an almost 97% chance of winning.
So what then? More talk of Romney inevitability? He is the one with the resources to compete in all the states, and Gingrich has shown he can’t stay on top for very long without flaming out. And Santorum… people like him, but they just don’t take him seriously as a presidential candidate.
And frankly, I’m tried of this. I want to focus on the two man race and bashing Obama. I am excited for the constant, public campaign about how Obama is failure and needs to be thrown out of office. I’ve kind of gotten to the point I don’t care who the other guy is we’re replacing Obama with as long as he’s an other guy. He won’t be great, but he’ll be someone else.
* Obama has been weasly on how much his raising taxes on the rich will bring in, but estimate are it will be about 4% of the annual deficit. So all this time and energy spent on something that isn’t going to help us any (and by taking money from those who actually know how to use it well and giving it instead to the idiots in D.C., will probably hurt us some); do you ever get the feeling that a lot of what Obama does is just to try and distract dumb, jealous people from what a horrible job he’s doing as president? He should get that fireball up his sleeve device Gob Bluth had and use that as a distraction whenever anyone tries to nail him down on a question.
“Ooh! Pretty fire! What were we talking about?”
* Right Wing News has a poll up of right-leaning bloggers on the presidential elections (I participated). Gingrich has a plurality of support, but a majority think Mitt Romney is the most electable. I agree with them, but I don’t get the big Romney boosters (such as the over the top Ann Coulter lately). They seem like a variation of the underwear gnomes.
Phase 1: Pick most electable candidate.
Phase 2: Win presidency.
Phase 3: ??
We need big change to do anything about the size of government and the amount of debt we have. And while a Romney presidency would be less bad than another Obama term, it still seems rather pointless in the long run.
* Obama is the most polarizing president ever. But he was supposed to unite the country with his nice-talking and articulateness and vague good things he was going to do for this country.
If we one day get a time machine, we really need to go back to 2008 and just start slapping everyone super enthused about an Obama presidency and never stop. Right after we do the same thing to the supporters of the 16th Amendment.
* From Conan O’Brien, here’s Guy Fieri eating in reverse:
I’m not sure who Guy Fieri is, but he’s just one of those guys you’re sure you hate as soon as you look at him. And look at this recent tweet from him:
“Goin’ big in Vegas for some Runnin’ Rebel style DDD…”
Why replace the ‘g’ with an apostrophe? It saves no typing and just makes you look like an idiot. I just don’t understand the world.