Nuke the News: Wikipedia Is Down, So Just Try and Disprove Any of This

* So Wikipedia has gone dark today. It’s because they’re protesting SOPA which is… I dunno, some sort of internet bill that people think is too obtrusive because it… well, I haven’t heard a succinct explanation yet. I assume it’s pretty stupid because politicians came up with it, but I don’t know the details. I guess I could look it up… oh wait, Wikipedia isn’t working today. Now where am I supposed to look up obscure things about TV shows from my youth?

Jonah Goldberg has a great idea: Spend the day making stuff up. No one will be able to disprove you.

* Newt built a little momentum from slapping down Obama as the “food stamp president”, but it still isn’t going to happen. Intrade has Romney at 91.2% chance of being the nominee, and at this point it doesn’t matter what cool line someone can come up with; the only way Romney could be stopped is to have some sort of epic stumble heretofore unknown. Like video of him running over a poor person in a limousine while laughing… but Romney has been very careful never to let that be videotaped.

Plus, I just don’t trust Newt. One day he’s an awesome conservative, the next day he’s worried Paul Ryan’s necessary budget plan is too harsh and mean. And then he’s throwing red meat to the right just before attacking capitalism in the form of the investment firm Romney worked for. I like one Newt, but I’m scared of the other. Can’t elect Newt unless we know which one we’ll get.

* How do you know you’re super radical fringe? Even Nancy Pelosi is trying to distance herself from you. Yes, suddenly Democrats are realizing that maybe a bunch of violent, incoherent hippies is not the path to reelection. Still, they keep Nancy Pelosi around, which means they haven’t quite figured out how to become appealing to the general public.

* Wisdom of the Day from M:

If you take the word “spatula” out of the dictionary it’s just a list of things that aren’t spatulas.

* Man, I’m just out of stuff to say today. Stupid news; be more interesting.

Random Thoughts

Don’t urinate on a copy of the latest issue of Newsweek as it’s wrong to pee on corpses.

No Wikipedia today? I better look up those Firefly episode synopses now.

Turkey says if Perry doesn’t apologize for calling them Islamic terrorists they’ll suicide bomb him.

Hippies are protesting SOAP today.

So why are sites going dark today? To raise awareness? I hate awareness.

I remember when I was a kid and wasn’t aware of anything. That was awesome. Also got to spend all day playing Atari.