[High Praise! to The People’s Cube]
Click here to read the brilliant satire that accompanies this image.
[High Praise! to The People’s Cube]
Click here to read the brilliant satire that accompanies this image.
[High Praise! to American Digest]
[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #726,540)
In the literal sense, it’s just 5 minutes of a guy cementing together concrete blocks to build a wall.
In a larger sense, it’s symbolic of every good, decent, honorable aspect of American existence.
Consider this your Rorschach test.
The fact that this video has been viewed over 700,000 times does NOT bode well for Obama in November.
R’lyeh, South Pacific (NPN) – Potential presidential candidate Cthulhu has made it official: he has decided not to run as a third party “greater of evils” option in this year’s U.S. Presidential race.
The Dread god is sitting this one out.
“I just don’t see the point,” a somber Cthulhu said. “I mean, my platform has always been the total and utter destruction and subjugation of the human race, starting with the United States. But this year, there is already a candidate who can help accomplish these things.”
Cthulhu worries that running for president could jeopardize the Obama campaign by stealing votes from the misanthropic and nihilist segments of the Democrat base, which are sizable, but not enough to win an election on.
“The worst thing that can happen here, is that people select the lesser of evils, Mitt Romney. I just can’t be party to that, when I am such an outspoken proponent of the greater of evils in an election.” said Cthulhu, while eating one of our reporters. “Mmm nom nom, um, if Obama keeps up what he is doing, burrrrrp, then I could take the election in 2016, and the United States will be so broken by then, it will be child’s play to finish the work I intend to do.”
In other news, while it was speculated that General Zod would also enter the race again, very little has been heard out of his camp. Zod himself was unavailable for comment when asked about it, but a spokesperson did respond to NPN’s inquest.
“The General has not made a decision on whether he will run this year, or, more likely, simply take over the world.” said the Zod spokesperson. “Kneel before Zod.”
[High Praise! to Ed the Pastor via SooperMexican]
State Dept. Angry “Dr. Seuss Denial” of Clinton VP Meeting; Expanded
I think excerpting it wouldn’t do it justice, since it’s relatively short, so just go ahead & click the link.
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]
[High Praise! to The People’s Cube]
Why haven’t I heard about these charges?
I call conspiracy.
LAS VEGAS (TPC) Harry Mason Reid, “cowboy poet” who is known to his fans as the Senate Majority Leader, was lying in the middle of the road with no car in sight when another driver spotted him and called 911, according to a recording released Thursday. Officials said Reid was naked and threatened to kill state troopers when he was arrested late Tuesday night.
Apparently Read was returning home from a poetry reading at the Cowboy Poets Society (CPUSA). He was charged with driving while intoxicated and retaliation or obstruction, and released Wednesday on $21,500 bond from the Clark Co. jail in Las Vegas. A mug shot showed a battered-looking Reid in a T-shirt, with a black eye and dried blood on his face. He later walked barefoot out of the county jail wearing scrubs and a “Viva Las Vegas” baseball cap.
Click here to read the whole sordid tale at The People’s Cube.
[High Praise! to Patriot Post]
Columnist Arnold Ahlert observes, “Note the despicable tactic to which Harry Reid has resorted. He makes an unsubstantiated allegation — one that could be made about virtually anything — and then claims the burden is on Romney to prove that the allegation is untrue.”
So, if I claimed someone told me that Harry Reid moonlights as a transvestite Marilyn Monroe impersonator in Vegas, by Reid’s distorted proof standard, the burden is on him to prove otherwise.
Ahlert concludes, “This is the stuff of banana republics and totalitarian regimes, but the Senate Majority Leader does it anyway, knowing that his media allies are more than willing to keep the story alive, and that other Democrats will rally to his side.”
Very well said.
Further down in the article, there’s also an eye-popping list of documents that Obama is still keeping under wraps.
Welcome to Fun Facts About the 50 States, where – week by week – I’ll be taking you on a tour around this great nation of ours, providing you with interesting, yet completely useless and probably untrue, information about each of the 50 states.
This week, it’s time to fire up the ol’ combine, because we’re headed out to Iowa, so let’s get started…
Well, that wraps up the Iowa edition of Fun Facts About the 50 States. Next week I’ll be stealing some ruby slippers & riding a cyclone to Kansas.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go put some ice on my freakin’ nose… ow…
[The complete e-book version of “Fun Facts About the 50 States” is now available at Amazon.com. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download free Kindle apps for your web browser, smartphone, computer, or tablet from Amazon.com]