[High Praise! to The Sacred Cow Slaughterhouse]
From Obama’s PR people:
“The President believes firmly in protecting our Second Amendment rights.
But common-sense changes can go a long way in keeping our streets and our schools safer — and there’s too much at stake to stand by and wait for action.
The President will not wait. Yesterday, he signed 23 executive actions to start moving our country in the right direction. And he’s calling on Congress to act on four legislative measures — closing background check loopholes, banning military-style assault weapons, ”
Then he DOES NOT believe in protecting our Second Amendment rights.
“He believes in protecting a woman’s right to choose. He has called on Congress to require waiting periods and ultrasound before abortion…”
“He believes in protecting our First Amendment rights. He has called on Congress to regulate bloggers to prevent hate speech…”
“He believes in protecting the rights of gays. He has called on Congress to strengthen the Defense of Marriage Act…”
“He believes in protecting our right to worship freely. He has called on Congress to pass laws challenging the tax exempt status of churches who argue against science…”
You cannot “protect” a right while calling for limitations on it.
Pingback: YORKTOWN TRADING POST » Obama Protecting Your 2nd Amendment Rights: Clarified – IMAO (satire)
You cannot “protect” a right while calling for limitations on it. Sure ya can, I do it all the time. ~ BO
You cannot “protect” a right while calling for limitations on it . . .
unless what you’re “protecting” it from is your own intent to abolish it completely. “Hey, you kids turn down that stereo or I’m getting rid of the whole thing!!” Wait, do they still call them stereos anymore?