Tragically, This May Be an Accurate Description

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]


  1. I still have a land line, but I also have caller I.D.

    Also, surveys haven’t relied only on landline interviews for the past several years, so that poster is pretty much crap. just because the useful idiots of the Republican establishment drone class want to believe otherwise does not make it so.

  2. What’s funny is the apparent need by “Republicans” to continually attempt to marginalize Trump. He’s been the best thing for focus group driven politics in 30 years. He doesn’t care whether the NY Times likes him or not. Doesn’t care if CNN likes him or not. Doesn’t care if the fall-in-line Republican power brokers like him or not.

    Oh…and he’s gotten an endorsement from Twisted Sister…

    He’s turned the politics-as-usual, we have a lifetime sinecure crowd upside down – and that’s a good thing.

  3. That analogy is as outdated as the people it’s trying to ridicule.

    Why is Trump popular? Because he said screw political correctness (which is a great 1984ism since there is nothing actually correct politically in “political correctness”, only correct in terms of leftist agenda) and talks to issues that actually matter to people. He’s not the only one who represents those issues, he’s just the only one with the nuggets to not only talk about them but also deliver a verbal musket to the junk to anyone who tries to shut him up for the sake of political correctness.

    I don’t think he’s fooling anyone. Most of his supporters (at least the ones I’ve talked to) have no delusions about the fact that he was a liberal for a long time. He is, however TALKING about all the things that people who’d like to save this country want talked about in a loud, unignorable manner – and that’s his role right now.

    I’m not a Trump supporter, but I think he’s been great for the election process. He has contributed more to moving real conservative issues forward than Bush, Kasich, and Rubio combined..and the fact that the Republican establishment (and apparently even some of the bloggers on this site) feel the need to ridicule his supporters and marginalize his popularity says he’s doing it right. If the RINOS and commies manage to get another squish RINO nominated as their candidate the party has truly become irrelevant.

  4. I guess I’m just waiting for the MSM to turn on him and eat him alive the way they did to their hero “Maverick” McCain.

    I wonder if he’ll be electable once the kid gloves come off, or is this just the press’s way of electing Hillary?

    Trump’s a great showman, and I admire his ability to turn a profit as a businessman. I don’t trust him, though.

  5. Let us stipulate that there is a difference — and these days, a vast one — between being a good candidate and being a good president. Obama has proven this. So would George Washington, if he were alive today.

    I find Trump a world-class candidate. He has enough money to not care what others tell him to say and do, and I respect someone who appears to speak his mind. It’s that mind that gives people pause: what would he say and do in office? Would he be able to separate his own will and ambition from the Constitution?

    He doesn’t seem to be able to shut up with the most wildly unprofessional — for a politician — comments. But these comments are, by the same token, fine and usually even admirable for a private citizen to utter. This raises the question: why is there a disconnect between the two things?

    He does not appear to be a great intellect or constitutional scholar, but we’ve had (and certainly have now much) worse.

    Bush XVI comes across, to me, as just the front man for a board of directors. And a man of fake emotions.

    I’m glad Rubio and Cruz are on the spectrum somewhere between Trump and Bush, and I have high hopes for them. Sarah Palins, round two, both of them. But my preferences never work out politically. Hell, Frank or Harvey would be a more honest politician than anyone with a current chance at the office, so all I’m hoping for is “not as bad as Hillary, Bernie, or Liz.” Trump would be that.

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