Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Beware! Scientists now predict that global warming may cause…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Beware! Scientists now predict that global warming may cause…
…uncaused causes…
…global cooling and ice ages.
…runaway stagflation.
…and end to endless cycles.
chickenspoliticians running around with their heads cut off.… spots on dishes, ring around the collar, knocking and pinging in your engine, dishpan hands, that not-so-fresh feeling, …
…an increase in air conditioner sales.
Beware! Scientists now predict that global warming may cause…
Scientific predictions.
more hot chicks wearing bikinis
Beware! Scientists now predict that global warming may cause…
An earth with a temperature above the Universal average.
Scientists Now Predict That Global Warming May Cause…
post turtle choom-ridden Kenyans to become even more completely divorced from reality.
Coppertone sales to rise.
Wal-Mart to close 269 stores. It certainly can’t be due to America’s stagnant economy because the Wizard of Uhs said that the economy is booming.
@Burt: you beat me to it!
…scientists that get taxpayer funding to say that global warming may cause… (loop)
…white only Oscars
…the need to adjust the time down to cook in a microwave
… more frequent appearances of El Ninny-o [Al Gore].
…Global temperatures to be hotter than the average half of the time.
…untold millions freezing to death in the dark. (mainly women and children)
… Bernie Cinders
… truth to become ever more inconvenient each year.
…New York values. Hey! We’re gonna have to to Shut. You. Down!
…politicians to raise taxes.
…a need for earlier tee times…. (for President Obama)
Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes… The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!
…melting ice caps to flood Europe with young male Syrian immigrants.
…the streets of first world countries to run red with innk.
…an increase in sales of battery powered self diving submarines, in Nevada.
… vapors and couch-fainting.
… misdirections lasting for decades. (Consult your doctor.)
… thunderbolts and lightning —
Very very frightening —
… all severe weather events to cluster within six months of January 1st.
. . . many applications for grants to study global warming.
Beware! Scientists now predict that global warming may cause…
another Justin Bieber album.
vapours in Liberals.
a return of the dinosaurs.
the heart-break of psoriasis.
erectile dysfunction
delusional people to believe that socialism works in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
Obamabots to believe that Teh Won fixed the economy… in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
anal seepage.
receding hairline.
polar bear extinction by starvation due to increase in polar bear populations.
satellites to provide false data about global warming.
premature er……..nevermind