Archive of entries posted on 18th January 2016
Well, She DOES Approach it Asymptotically
Marco Rubio said that Hillary Clinton is “everything we don’t need in America”.
Now, now, “everything” is an exaggeration… unless she makes Obama her Secretary of State.
Religion of Peace – Clarified
Link of the Day: When This Hits the Market, I’m Hosting a CFL-Smashing Party
Via The Telegraph:
Return of incandescent light bulbs as MIT makes them more efficient than LEDs
There is no substitute for a warm glow of an incandescent bulb, and I deeply resent government telling me that having my house lit like some ghastly factory is “necessary” in order to save the planet.
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
This Is Just About the Way I Remember It
Vice President Joe Biden said that “the 2nd Amendment says you can limit who can own a gun”.
For example, people who wear those jackets with all those little strings dangling down can’t own them because the 2nd Amendment says guns shall not be in fringe.
Obama Warned Us – No-Brainer
Closing the No-Fly List loophole is a no-brainer. #DoSomething
“As proof, consider who’s backing the idea. Not a brain in the lot. Just a sea of jerking knees.”
Straight Line of the Day: Signs That Hillary Clinton May Have Alzheimer’s Include…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Signs that Hillary Clinton may have Alzheimer’s include…
In a Way, The Obama Presidency Is Straight Out of the 60’s
President Obama said he can only imagine Donald Trump in the White House “in a Saturday Night Live skit”.
Well, Obama does know his TV, since his Presidency is basically “It’s a Good Life“.