Archive of entries posted on 20th January 2016
Unpredictably Predictable
A new report claims that global warming could cause humans to develop webbed feet.
Followed by liberals complaining that global warming will dry up our oceans, rendering our new webbed feet useless for swimming; and the only way to avert the crisis is by granting more authority to government regulatory agencies.
Not Sure Obama’s Consistent on This
Link of the Day: This Is Why, 50 Years Later, We’re Not Eagerly Anticipating a 13th Andy Griffith Show Movie
[High Praise! to Acculturated]
10 Things That Star Trek Got Right (That Have Never Been Copied)
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
The Most Effective Countermeasure
The French legislature has officially banned three “radical” Islamic groups as a reaction to recent terrorist attacks on French soil.
*Might* work… they WILL be hanging “no jihad zone” signs, right?
Obama Warned Us – Job Creation
Employers have added an average of 213,000 jobs a month over the past six months. We have to keep up this progress. http://ofa.bo/d5Ja
“Just don’t ask how many offer health insurance or are for more than 30 hours a week.”
Straight Line of the Day: Now Included on the List of Reasons ISIS Will Behead You…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Now included on the list of reasons ISIS will behead you…
Why Can’t Obama Ever Make Trouble for THEIR Side?
Iran said that their seizure of American boats and taking sailors hostage was a lesson to the “troublemakers” in Congress.
Wish our President was a troublemaker instead of a bow-taker.