Archive of entries posted on 13th January 2016
Honest Trailer – Die Hard
[Honest Trailer – Die Hard] (Viewer #1,889,848)
Back when terrorists were white, and people thought rich, Japanese businessmen were going to buy up all the real estate in America.
See also: how many times John McClane would have died in “Die Hard”
Take Me to Your… Nevermind. Take Me to Someone Competent
Asked if aliens have come to earth, Hillary Clinton said “I think we may have been visited already. We don’t know for sure.”
I don’t think she believes that. If she did, she’d be demanding they be given food stamps, driver’s licenses, and voting rights.
I Want an Auto-Aimer for My Glock!
Link of the Day: One Bite at a Time – Arguing With the Left
[High Praise! to Hunter of Nuking Politics]
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
The Preferred Term Is “Redistributive-American”
In an with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Hillary Clinton denied she was a socialist, but couldn’t say what the difference is between a Democrat and a socialist.
That’s easy. The difference is that a Democrat thinks there’s a difference.
Obama Warned Us – Health Insurance
8 out of 10 uninsured Americans may qualify for financial help. See if you’re one of them: http://ofa.bo/t9Th #GetCovered
“Also, please don’t ask yourself why 80% of people can’t afford ‘Affordable Health Care’.”
Straight Line of the Day: Spoiler Alert! You Won’t Believe This! During His State of the Union Speech, President Obama…
Random Thoughts: Gun Control, Star Wars, and SOTU
A fun thing to do is to sit in the front row for a TED talk and keep yelling, “Stop mansplaining!”
I can’t think of any offhand, but I’m pretty sure there are other possible plot points than planet-destroying super weapon.
Right now a criminal can go online and buy a gun without ID, background check, or even real money. Coins from Super Mario Bros. will do.
Right now, a criminal can buy heat-seeking hollow point bullets that can shoot through walls at any Redbox.
There are currently no laws preventing a criminal from buying a gun enchanted with dark magic to never miss.
No laws prevent a criminal from installing a bullet tap in their house where they just turn on a faucet and fill a cup full of bullets.
This isn’t very libertarian, but if we want to protect kids, we need some sort of law against shooting them.
Currently a criminal can go to any supermarket and buy a plastic gun that is also invisible and fires nuclear warheads.
Not saying Obama’s tears were fake – just thought it was weird he paused his gun control announcement to watch the opening sequence to Up.
There. We made the president cry. I hope we all feel good about ourselves. I know I do.
We need some sort of mental health screening before you’re allowed to get a hydrogen bomb.
So there were people who watched Parks and Rec and didn’t find Leslie Knope’s fascist impulses problematic?
The reason we can’t prevent hydrogen bombs is that the NRA fights any law that tries to restrict access to hydrogen.
Ted Cruz is a secret Canadian who will sell our country to the British. This is a fact no one disputes.
Ted Cruz’s handlers are smart. They cut his mic briefly at the end of each sentence so we don’t hear the “eh”.
I asked Ted Cruz for some bacon and he gave me a weird round piece of ham because he’s a Canadian freak and we can’t trust him.
Why didn’t loser Obama make Mexico pay for our health insurance?
Gun control people don’t need townhalls where they explain their views. They need introspection on why they’ve been failing for decades.
Stop pretending you can decide whether other people have guns.
I’ve never quite gotten why Return of the Jedi is considered so much lesser than the other two Star Wars movies. Great movie.
I can agree that Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back are better than ROTJ, but I don’t consider it on a lower tier than them.
My wife says she likes the new Star Wars better than all the original trilogy. I don’t know how to deal with her.
So many iconic things in ROTJ: Jabba, speeder chase in the forest, the Emperor
I have a “Play it again, Sam” type quote from ROTJ I love to use on trolls: “Good. Only your hate can strike me down.”
Force Awakens is not better than Return of the Jedi. It’s good, but come on.
I’m finding it hard to figure out what my full opinion of The Force Awakens is because I just bring so so much baggage to that movie.
I’m finding Finn to be the most intriguing character because he’s the one with the least analog to any character from the previous trilogy.
Finn is a non-force wielder with some (but not spectacular) weapon skills. No idea where his character arc is going.
So is Hillary in Michael Bay’s 13 Hours doing basically the same role as the Chief of Police in Die Hard?
My best understanding of what it means to be populist is to say really popular, really ignorant things.
Be wary of any philosophy that treats people as a net negative. And these pop up on the left and right.
A Trump vs. Sanders general election would be equal parts awesome and awful.
Wow. $1.3 billion Powerball, and that money came mainly from poor people. I hope Trump wins it.
Can say President Obama is indifferent to Sandy Hook because he’s never proposed anything that would have made a difference with it.
Sanders is just as nutty a candidate as Trump and he has a much higher ceiling with Democrats.
So prefer dealing with electricity to water. Electricity is not constantly at risk of spilling all over the floor.
Then again, electricity is invisible and constantly trying to kill me, but I guess I’m just used to that reality.
I don’t get why anyone would listen to the SOTU who isn’t paid to by a news organization.
MoveOn.org endorsed Sanders because if you want to move on from the Clinton scandals, the best way is to not elect more Clintons.
Instead of watching the SOTU, I watched old episodes of New Girl on Netflix because I value my time.
She’s a-dork-able.
I Think It’s Called a “Blog”
Twitter is considering expanding its 140-character limit to 10,000 characters.
I’m not sure I want to read anything by someone who has enough time on his hands to do that much thumb-typing.