The Illustrated Frank J: Won’t Somebody PLEASE Think of the Children?


[title reference link]

This Is Why I Don’t Ever Take Liberals Seriously

[Jimmy Carter in 1977: ‘We will run out of oil by 2011’] (Viewer #1,728)

Also it pleases me greatly to throw their asinine predictions back in their faces when they don’t come true. If you have any “failed liberal prediction” videos, send me links, please.

The Racism That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Portland Community College declared April “Whiteness History Month”, and will devote it to exploring how the “construct of whiteness” creates racial inequality.

Oh… so is that why there hasn’t been a serious honky b-baller since Larry Bird?

Let the Wookie Win

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

[reference link]

Link of the Day: Dang White People Wreckin’ the Oscars!

[High Praise! to Hope n’ Change Cartoons]

Skin Flicks


From the people who murder you for drawing Mohammad…

Iran holds Holocaust-denying cartoon contest

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

This Has Been Going on for a LONG Time

Recently come to light – documents pointing to Bernie Sanders’s radical past.

Seems they found some cave drawings of him at a “Save the Mammoths” protest.

Obama Warned Us – FLOTUS BDAY

Happy birthday, @FLOTUS. Thank you for all you do.


“Mostly maintaining our nation’s vital supply of scowls, bad haircuts, and boob-belts.”

Straight Line of the Day: The Weirdest Thing Happened When Obama Visited Detroit…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The weirdest thing happened when Obama visited Detroit…

Random Thoughts: New York Values and Trump

Who’s dumber: Enthusiastic Trump supporter or people who gave millions to Jeb?

“I liked your take down of a right-winger in the YouTube comment section. Half your words were spelled correctly! Want to write for Salon?”

Glad Mad Max got best picture nom. It’s an actual movie with action and special effects. Not some talky-feely nonsense.

How is “New York Values” an insult? And why did those cowboys want to lynch a guy when his salsa was from NYC? I don’t understand!

Wow. Ted Cruz is really losing the New York vote.

“I can’t believe Cruz is insulting my New York values! And this soda is too large; who is going to stop me from drinking it?”

This is stupid. If your reaction to “New York values” was anything other than “what an effective insult” you fail politics 101.

“Hey! I have values that should be respected and not insulted over here!”

When people say “New York values” everyone gets a very specific image in mind. Usually it’s Kylo Ren.

To be honest, I’m actually pretty curious what general election Trump would be like.

I good example of New York values would them banning people from insulting New York values.

I hope Trump is president because then in 2020 the “Dump Trump” slogan writes itself.

Who knew New Yorkers would be so sensitive to the fact that the rest of the country hates them and everything they stand for?

When you insult New York values, you insult America. The absolute worst part of America.

I kid. Who doesn’t love New York? They got pizza slices there.

I understand if you think Hillary is strategically good choice, but stop pretending to be excited about her. It’s embarrassing for everyone.

“We’re super duper excited for this candidate we tossed away as old news back in 2008!”

“Stop pretending there are smart people we can elect who will actually fix things. Vote for Trump.”

“Admit it’s a broken system and vote for a broken person. Elect Trump.”

More important than suing gun companies is being able to sue politicians for the damage their laws do.

“SMOD has abandoned you. Vote Trump.”

Did the DNC successfully negotiate that no video cameras are allowed at the Democrat debate?

Raising the minimum wage doesn’t cost jobs because there’s a magical spell cast upon it that suspends math and the laws of economics.

How much do you get paid when you don’t have a job? That’s the real minimum wage.

I’m officially endorsing burning it all down.

What’s a classical liberal supposed to do in today’s political climate? I’m thinking of taking up woodworking.

Though it happens all the time in fiction, I hope in real life overthrowing an oppressive regime never comes down to a teenage girl.

Scientists ruined my childhood when they declared that Pluto isn’t a planet and that it’s most likely covered in feathers.

There’s sometimes conflict in marriage. I like imitating Mr. T, but my wife doesn’t like it when I call the kids fools.

I think a legitimate criticism against Trump is absolutely anything.

Riddle Me This

The top searched question on Google for Hillary: “will Hillary Clinton get prosecuted?”

Just beware that the #1 result is a bait & switch link for a server-wiping service.