Obama Warned Us – FLOTUS BDAY

Happy birthday, @FLOTUS. Thank you for all you do.


“Mostly maintaining our nation’s vital supply of scowls, bad haircuts, and boob-belts.”


  1. Don’t worry; you’ve already gotten her a few “Prezzies” in the past year and a half :

    Obama Family’s October Weekend Fundraising Getaway to San Diego Cost Taxpayers $2,001,468.90 in Travel Expenses Alone
    Known Travel Expenses Now Approaching $10 Million A Year

    Judicial Watch | January 21, 2016

    Secret Service Expenses for Obama’s 2013 Hawaii Christmas Vacation Cost Taxpayers $316,698.03, Taxpayers Paid Over $8 Million for 17-Day Vacation
    Judicial Watch | December 29, 2015

    The Obamas’ Christmas-Hawaii Plane Tickets Will Cost Tax Payers $3.7 Million
    Daily Caller | December 15, 2015 | Christian Datoc

    Like many families, the Obamas will head home to celebrate the holidays, but odds are their flight will cost slightly more than your typical Christmas airfare. According to Judicial Watch, it costs aproximately $206,000 per hour to operate Air Force One. Factor in the 18 hours of round-trip airtime, and it looks like the Obamas’ Dec. 18th flight to Hawaii and return after the New Year will cost an astounding $3.7 million, with American tax payers footing the bill. Earlier in 2015, President Obama took three “unnecessary” golf and family vacations, costing tax payers $3,115,688.

    Michelle Obama June Trip to UK, Italy Cost Taxpayers $240,495.67 in Flight Expenses Alone
    Judicial Watch | August 20, 2015

    Records Reveal Michelle Obama’s 2014 Trip to China Cost Taxpayers More Than $360,000 in Air Transportation Expenses Alone
    Judicial Watch | July 15, 2015

    First Lady’s Round-Trip Flight to Aspen, Colorado, With Her Daughters Cost taxpayers $7,712 an Hour
    Judicial Watch | May 5, 2015

    Michelle Obama’s Two Day Hotel Stay In Cambodia Cost Taxpayers $242,500
    UK Daily Mail | 31 March 2015

    Obama Family’s 2014 Christmas Vacation Cost Taxpayers $3,672,798 in Transportation Expenses
    Judicial Watch | 3-10-15

    Martha’s Vineyard August, 2014 Vacation Cost $400,666.30 in Transportation

    $2,425,085.50 were Spent in Transportation Expenses for Obama’s July, 2014 West Coast Fundraising Trip

    Obama Hawaii Christmas vacations over the past three years have cost taxpayers $15,540,515.10 in travel expenses alone.

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