Archive of entries posted on 8th January 2016
No Point Other Than to Be Visually Entertaining
[Notes on a Triangle] (Viewer #40,551)
In this short animation film the triangle achieves the distinction of principal dancer in a geometric ballet. The triangle is shown splitting into some three hundred transformations, dividing and sub-dividing with grace and symmetry to the music of a waltz. The film’s artist and animator is René Jodoin, whose credits include Dance Squared and several collaborations with Norman McLaren. Film without words.
Directed by René Jodoin – 1966
Also, You Look Like a Dork Wearing Them
A new report shows that people who use virtual reality goggles suffer from nausea, eyestrain, and headaches.
Basically it’s the immersive, 3D version of binge-watching Netflix.
Good Thing Obama Did This Or We’d All Be Dead!
Link of the Day: It Might Be Time for Me to Read Starship Troopers Again
Inspired by a comment by CCO; via On Violence [High Praise!]
Chosen mostly because the Heinlein quote is awesome, but the discussion also brings up some thought-provoking points and deserves reading.
[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)
That Was Like Five Movies Ago, Slowpoke
Mark Zuckerberg is planning to build a robot butler to look after his child as part of his 2016 New Year’s resolutions.
Let me guess… he’ll be named Jarvis and will help him build an arc-reactor-powered armored flight suit.
Obama Warned Us – Counterterrorism
LIVE: President Obama is speaking at the National Counterterrorism Center. http://ofa.bo/b5Qh
Also LIVE: ROFLTerrorists!
Straight Line of the Day: To Prove to Critics That He Really Cares About Border Security, President Obama…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
To prove to critics that he really cares about border security, President Obama…
Personality Test
Did you like my novel Superego?
Of course you did. What kind of horrible person would you be not to?
Well, over at Liberty Island is a short story prequel to Superego: Personality Test. An AI comes online and tries to calibrate itself for its new owner, but it quickly runs into a problem: It’s not supposed to break the law.
“Help”… Is a Relative Term
A new study from the federal government shows that a higher minimum wage doesn’t reduce poverty.
Except, apparently, among people who write government studies.