8 out of 10 uninsured Americans may qualify for financial help. See if you’re one of them: http://ofa.bo/t9Th #GetCovered
“Also, please don’t ask yourself why 80% of people can’t afford ‘Affordable Health Care’.”
8 out of 10 uninsured Americans may qualify for financial help. See if you’re one of them: http://ofa.bo/t9Th #GetCovered
“Also, please don’t ask yourself why 80% of people can’t afford ‘Affordable Health Care’.”
…and 10 out of 10 who PAY for their insurance are the ones “helping”.
so 20% of Americans without Health Insurance can afford it, but don’t want to pay for it?
Individual Mandate (noun): The requirement, backed by the full force of civil servants and the judicial system, that you contribute to the health care of at least 4 others who are not related to you.
Obama, Congress, the Supreme Court, administrative staffers, and Mulsims exempt.
Employer Mandate (noun): Same as above, but beneficiaries multiplied.
Unions and Democratic Party-contributor corporations exempt.
Equal Protection Clause (noun): The word “clause” preceded by meaningless letters.
“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
Either way, we’re screwed, Ben.