A fun thing to do is to sit in the front row for a TED talk and keep yelling, “Stop mansplaining!”
I can’t think of any offhand, but I’m pretty sure there are other possible plot points than planet-destroying super weapon.
Right now a criminal can go online and buy a gun without ID, background check, or even real money. Coins from Super Mario Bros. will do.
Right now, a criminal can buy heat-seeking hollow point bullets that can shoot through walls at any Redbox.
There are currently no laws preventing a criminal from buying a gun enchanted with dark magic to never miss.
No laws prevent a criminal from installing a bullet tap in their house where they just turn on a faucet and fill a cup full of bullets.
This isn’t very libertarian, but if we want to protect kids, we need some sort of law against shooting them.
Currently a criminal can go to any supermarket and buy a plastic gun that is also invisible and fires nuclear warheads.
Not saying Obama’s tears were fake – just thought it was weird he paused his gun control announcement to watch the opening sequence to Up.
There. We made the president cry. I hope we all feel good about ourselves. I know I do.
We need some sort of mental health screening before you’re allowed to get a hydrogen bomb.
So there were people who watched Parks and Rec and didn’t find Leslie Knope’s fascist impulses problematic?
The reason we can’t prevent hydrogen bombs is that the NRA fights any law that tries to restrict access to hydrogen.
Ted Cruz is a secret Canadian who will sell our country to the British. This is a fact no one disputes.
Ted Cruz’s handlers are smart. They cut his mic briefly at the end of each sentence so we don’t hear the “eh”.
I asked Ted Cruz for some bacon and he gave me a weird round piece of ham because he’s a Canadian freak and we can’t trust him.
Why didn’t loser Obama make Mexico pay for our health insurance?
Gun control people don’t need townhalls where they explain their views. They need introspection on why they’ve been failing for decades.
Stop pretending you can decide whether other people have guns.
I’ve never quite gotten why Return of the Jedi is considered so much lesser than the other two Star Wars movies. Great movie.
I can agree that Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back are better than ROTJ, but I don’t consider it on a lower tier than them.
My wife says she likes the new Star Wars better than all the original trilogy. I don’t know how to deal with her.
So many iconic things in ROTJ: Jabba, speeder chase in the forest, the Emperor
I have a “Play it again, Sam” type quote from ROTJ I love to use on trolls: “Good. Only your hate can strike me down.”
Force Awakens is not better than Return of the Jedi. It’s good, but come on.
I’m finding it hard to figure out what my full opinion of The Force Awakens is because I just bring so so much baggage to that movie.
I’m finding Finn to be the most intriguing character because he’s the one with the least analog to any character from the previous trilogy.
Finn is a non-force wielder with some (but not spectacular) weapon skills. No idea where his character arc is going.
So is Hillary in Michael Bay’s 13 Hours doing basically the same role as the Chief of Police in Die Hard?
My best understanding of what it means to be populist is to say really popular, really ignorant things.
Be wary of any philosophy that treats people as a net negative. And these pop up on the left and right.
A Trump vs. Sanders general election would be equal parts awesome and awful.
Wow. $1.3 billion Powerball, and that money came mainly from poor people. I hope Trump wins it.
Can say President Obama is indifferent to Sandy Hook because he’s never proposed anything that would have made a difference with it.
Sanders is just as nutty a candidate as Trump and he has a much higher ceiling with Democrats.
So prefer dealing with electricity to water. Electricity is not constantly at risk of spilling all over the floor.
Then again, electricity is invisible and constantly trying to kill me, but I guess I’m just used to that reality.
I don’t get why anyone would listen to the SOTU who isn’t paid to by a news organization.
MoveOn.org endorsed Sanders because if you want to move on from the Clinton scandals, the best way is to not elect more Clintons.
Instead of watching the SOTU, I watched old episodes of New Girl on Netflix because I value my time.
She’s a-dork-able.
Actually I have to disagree with you Frank, I think The Force Awakens is better than Return of the Jedi. But then again, I liked Cowboys & Aliens, John Carter, and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull so my opinion doesn’t matter.
Does anyone know how much money the lotto pulls in for the payout to be 1.3 billion. Think about it the 1.3 Billion is what is left over after all the money is taken out to spend on the things that Lotto was promised to pay for if we vote to allow it. And yes it is paid for mostly by poor folks.
I read or heard somewhere that the Tennessee schools are getting in the millions of dollars from the lottery fund. Still the Government schools are broken and teachers are relying on donations or are out of pocket for supplies.
Lotteries are a stupidity tax.
It seems to me that The Force Awakens was modeled after original trilogy . That’s why it was fun. A droid carrying plans / map. Rescuing the female character from the weapon/planet. Confrontation between father and son. The similarities are many. I believe the franchise has been redeemed from I, II & III. For me, The Prequels are good for the story line, and that’s about it. Santa brought “The Clone Wars” Movie and series for Christmas. Looking forward to that and then going onto the new series, “Rebels”
SOTU: I feel chastened & ashamed that I haven’t lived up the President Obama’s expectations for me as an American. As Denis Lemieux, the goalie in “Slap Shot” said, “You do that, you go to the box, you know. 2 minutes, by yourself, you know and you feel shame, you know.”
The Force Awakens was probably the best star wars fan made film ever. That was the feel of it. Overall I liked it but I did not love it. However I am looking forward to Rogue One since it will be a movie that is set in the Star Wars universe instead of trying to carry on the overall story arc. That one should be pretty good.
I think one of the failings of Wile E. Coyote is that he never tried a plan twice. Even if it had only one minor issue that kept it from working, he wouldn’t try it again. If he did then he probably would have caught the Roadrunner.
I think the Empire (or whatever it’s called now) is trying to learn from Wile E. That’s why the super-duper Death Star was built. I mean, what are the odds of the opposition finding the tiny weak link a THIRD time?!?
Frank, you’re going to have to expand all of these to the new 10,000 word Twitter limit. But instead of doing it on Twitter, you can do it here. Harvey has a piece up called, “I Think It’s Called a ‘Blog'” 😀
A Trump vs. Sanders general election would finally put to rest the lie that you have to have good hair to be president.
You might think Obama did that, because his hair is simple and plain, but the sad fact is that short hair goes well with melanin.
In 13 hours, Hillary! plays the part of the inspector in Rush Hour 3.
And on the lottery thing, the word for the day is “fungible”. This means that your state budget has a line for School funding, and they have two accounts- the general fund, and the lottery. Now instead of taking the money from the general fund for schools, they take the lottery money. That leaves the funding in the state budget for things like chauffeured limos for the state legislators, and they can blame poor lottery sales (BUY MORE TICKETS!!!) for under funding the schools.
Hillary seems like if Mr. Potter from “It’s a Wonderful Life” held elective office.
I gave “New Girl” a try, but could not enjoy it. It’s like the writers and actors watched “Always Sunny In Philadelphia” and said, “Heck, we could do that.” Neither come up to the mark.
I do like the opening / “theme song,” though.
ROTJ had a weak middle third and played up Lucas’s faults (making Leia be Luke’s sister as a last minute script change, Ewoks). The non-Luke heroes added almost nothing after the first act and no besides Luke and Vader had character arcs that movie. That is why it is considered lower tier since the other two all had better character development for all the main characters and less obvious flaws.
The first act of ROTJ is great and so is everything that happens with Luke after he meets Vader again. The final light saber battle in ROTJ is the best and the most dramatic in the entire series.
Finn is the best character in Force Awakens. Most relatable character in the entire series probably.
“So is Hillary in Michael Bay’s 13 Hours doing basically the same role as the Chief of Police in Die Hard?”
The opening sequence has her buying Twinkies in a convenience store.
Prior to The Force Awakens, I ranked the Star Wars movies thusly: Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, A New Hope, Revenge of the Sith, and then Attack of the Clones and The Phantom Menace way down together at the bottom since they were so terrible and I kind of wish they’d never been made. I’d like to see The Force Awakens a few more times before I decided where to put it, but I might fit it between Jedi and New Hope.
I think The Force Awakens might have had more movie sins than all of the others, including the prequels. I had plenty of issues with things in it. At the same time, it still wins where the horrible prequels utterly fail: being an actual Star Wars movie.
Because an actual Star Wars movie has things like super planet-killing weapons, not boring crap like trade negotiations and senate meetings.
Peteheedler, I don’t think Leia being Luke’s sister was a last minute plot change. She was foreshadowed as such in Empire by Yoda when he was talking to Obi-Wan’s ghost.
“A Trump vs. Sanders general election would be equal parts awesome and awful.” – Definitely. I still think an actual monkey should run as a third party though. It would steal votes from Sanders and Trump both. Might even win.
Really? For thousands of years anyone who wanted to become a Jedi had to go through years of training and now we have “gurrl power” where she becomes a Jedi Master because she really wants to? Luke has to train for hours with that blast helmet on, he has to visit Yoda and stand on his head in a swamp for months, then he still loses to the Sith Master and only wins in the end because … father.
Rey just is.
Sorry. Stupid and therefore not better.
Full disclosure, I actually enjoyed the movie and thought it was better than PM (like that was a high bar) but still stupid. I am now just hoping that they have a really good explanation for why she got so good so fast in the next two movies but my suspicion is that “girls rule” is probably the big plot point.
Oh, I thought preventing mentally ill people from obtaining H-bombs was repealed by Obama’s new Iran treaty? Isn’t it islamophobic to say that now?
“I don’t think Leia being Luke’s sister was a last minute plot change”
The original Lucas plan according to his filming notes was to introduce a new Skywalker sibling in a sequel who was also getting trained to be a Jedi in another part of the galaxy, but Lucas changed his mind later on and went with Leia being the other Skywalker.