Trump Is Our Do-Over

In a recent interview, an ailing Senator John McCain said that he “regretted” picking Sarah Palin for the bottom of the ticket in 2008.

Not nearly as much as we regret picking him for the top.


  1. Which one?

    Palin at least understood basic conservatism which McCain did not. Not perfect at all but she was treated by the liberals horribly, although they were just being true to their nature. How the Party failed to aggressively defend her was more disgusting and generally cemented in my mind that the Party was failing to live up to what it was preaching to get elected. The past 10 years have not disabused me of that understanding at all. I still won’t vote for Democrats/Socialists but it is only on the belief of choosing the lesser of two evils with only some rare exceptions.

    • I’m not a gamer…I wonder if there is a game called ‘Class Warfare’?..I will google it but at the same time realizing that every American should have recieved a free copy by now. Bernie could use this for his slogan. ‘Forward With Free Games!’

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