For spreading misinformation!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
For almost employing the word “henceforth.” Who employs that? With so many other words applying for employment? Come on, man!
DamnCat is not a cat!
Tankdemon is not a demon!
Walrus is not a walrus!
Gene is not identifiable as one single identifiable Gene or another!
These are not the times to say “Doh!”
[Burt is not Burt!]
Biscuit is not a biscuit!
Oppo is — oppo.
Zzyzx is, of course, exempt from all rational discussion. And always will be. Why am I asking you?
“Kinda Sorta Bob B-like Bot” is not kinda sorta anything of the kind, Homeland Security says.
Sorry — “Rodney Dill,” “Andy,” “ScottyT,” “Hadsil,” and “c64wood” don’t lend themselves to jokes. Good for you guys. Smart. Way too smart.
You are Fake News!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
“Tankdemon is not a demon!”
Does this mean I have to return all these souls I’ve been collecting?
Careful, I hear these guys know Sam and Dean. You don’t want them making any calls.
At least we know how to pronounce Basil.
Some do, some don’t.
I get it right everytime, but sometimes my Colorado accent causes people to mishear it.
You said henceforth…I bet for hence to come third and a show ticket paid $4.80…great day at the track..
“Kinda Sorta Bob B-like Bot” is not kinda sorta anything of the kind, Homeland Security says.
They were advised to say that… if you catch my drift…
Not a cat?!
Somebody’s gonna get scratched.
Sorry — “Rodney Dill,” – Seriously, not a single pickle joke? You must be Gherkin my chain.
Absolutely! We all relish a good pun. You might say their our bread and butter.
Hummmmm, all rational discussion….I’ve always wanted to go there.