Farmers Forced To Dump Excess Milk Due to Oversupply
KTLA-TV5 | Jul 13, 2023 | Henry Amor, Nick SmithThe issue at hand is that milk is a daily commodity.
Whether there’s a demand for it or not, the cows have to be milked.
Because the demand for milk is down, so are the prices.
Blame the 1%
Damn lactose intolerant.
No way Kamala wrote this – it has useful facts, and she has absolutely no concept of supply and demand…
Because the demand for milk is down, so are the prices. -Where? We’re paying $3.49 here and let’s not even talk about ice cream, novelties and butter . Lower the prices and perhaps things will get better. Why do I feel like we’re being gaslighted here? (gaslit? lied to).
Storys like this just make my wallet curdle…