Heading down the stretch.
As has been hinted I will now confirm I will be on vacation next week. Yah! This will affect my regular postings. For the Babesleaga Week 6 will go off as scheduled but will have a voting period of two weeks. It will open August 14th and close on August 27th. On August 21st I will post a recap on all the previous winners for your enjoyment. Week 7, the final week will kickoff on August 28th. Now, on to the results.
Contestants | Record | Points | Average | Points Against | Average Score |
Catherine Zeta-Jones | 4 – 0 – 0 | 323 | 80.75 | 211 | 80.75-52.75 |
Karen Gillan | 3 – 1 – 0 | 308 | 77.00 | 218 | 77.00-54.50 |
Rachel Weisz | 3 – 1 – 0 | 272 | 68.00 | 237 | 68.00-59.25 |
Eva Green | 2 – 2 – 0 | 313 | 78.25 | 208 | 78.25-52.00 |
Gemma Arterton | 2 – 2 – 0 | 256 | 64.00 | 244 | 64.00-61.00 |
Reese Witherspoon | 1 – 3 – 0 | 251 | 62.75 | 268 | 62.75-67.00 |
Florence Pugh | 1 – 3 – 0 | 176 | 44.00 | 329 | 44.00-82.25 |
Jennifer Lawrence | 0 – 4 – 0 | 159 | 39.75 | 342 | 39.75-85.50 |
Week 5
- 10:00 am Catherine Zeta-Jones vs Florence Pugh
- 2:00 pm Gemma Arterton vs Eva Green
- 6:00 pm Jennifer Lawrence vs Reese Witherspoon
- 8:00 pm Karen Gillan vs Rachel Weisz
Vacation!..I am starting to sense a lack of dedication…
All work and no play makes walrus grumpy.