Straight Line of the Day: “I Believe Tinfoil-Hat-Wearing Guys on the Internet More Than I Believe Anything You Publish.”

— sez Walrus.

Prove him correct. IMAO starts a rumor: ….


  1. I heard a person could have taken some tinfoil like material from the Roswell crash site and make a tinfoil hat out of it and could then step on it and it would immediately reshape to original form. This is more interesting than the Amityville Horror House.

  2. Intent: Create a Faraday cage to conduct electromagnetic fields around rather than through your meat spaceship.

    Hypothesis: Tinfoil hat.

    Research: Tinfoil hat not properly grounded. Hat resonates at unpredictable frequencies turning hat into tinfoil antenna.

    Data: 12 out of 10 Tinfoil hat wearers are nutty

    Conclusion: Tinfoil hats scramble brains.

    New Hypothesis: Chainmaille coif, Hauberk, & Chausses can be attenuated with OP amps to eliminate resonance & provide proper grounding.

  3. “I Believe Tinfoil-Hat-Wearing Guys on the Internet More Than I Believe Anything You Publish.”

    We really wouldn’t need the tin foil hats if the government hadn’t outlawed the lead base paint which was more effective a blocking their surveillance.

  4. Tin Foil hats are nice, but Seran Wrap outfits are better. True story, in college had to work the grocery store on Halloween. A couple of cute coeds came in looking for seran wrap as they ran out. One had a seran wrap halter top (no bra) and skirt, the other just had the top. Good night.

  5. In the push to disarm the people, besides the obvious gun grabbing, the Gov is working to ban the ownership, possesion, breeding and feeding of Emu’s, using Department of Agriculture and under the guise of climate change.

    On an aside, you know what’s scarier than a ghost gun? A ghost Emu.

    • Personally speaking I love it. Especially the fact that the politicians who run these sanctuary cities have brought the situation they now face down upon their heads by their own sanctimonious deeds and actions. Suck it up New York, Chicago, LA and all the other “sanctuary cities” …suck it up.

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