Caption This!


  1. “Some collectors store their classic cars under a cover, but that can lead to dry rot. For only $80 per month, Biscuits Cryogenic Car Preservation will keep your classic as fresh as that slice of wedding cake in your parents freezer!”

  2. For a year, the Flemmening family was mysteriously missing a vehicle along with a spouse and several children. Imagine how relieved they were to finally determine the cause of said mystery.

  3. ^ And to further the mystery, the spouse and two missing children were found frozen solid. They were subsequently thawed out by a university frostbite research team and unexpectedly came back to life with no permanent damage save a large case of missing time and an endless craving for hot cocoa. Needless to say, the entire incident and Flemmening family are now in the Guinness Book Of World Records while Science! still can’t explain their miraculous recovery. (Mr. and Mrs. Flemmening were unavailable to substantiate this story.)

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