“‘Production, refining and distribution of gasoline.’ Explains 4 types of gasoline, straight run and 3 ‘cracked’ varieties.”
And I’ll just point out that the unfathomable amount of infrastructure this nation already dedicates to pumping oil and refining gasoline is just another reason why practical electric cars are just an idiot’s pipe dream.
Training film for U.S. soldiers embarking on occupation duty in Japan. Written by Dr. Seuss and formed the basis for his latter 1947 Oscar-winning film, “Design For Death.” This film was seen as too sympathetic to the Japanese and MacArthur worked to suppress it
“Your Job In Germany” is a short film made for the United States War Department in 1945. It was intended to be shown to U.S. soldiers about to occupy Germany. The film was made by the military films unit commanded by Frank Capra, and was written by Theodor Geisel, who is better known by his pen name Dr. Seuss.
The film urged against fraternization with the German people, who are portrayed as thoroughly untrustworthy. It reminds its viewers of Germany’s history of aggression, under “Führer Number 1” Otto von Bismarck, “Führer Number 2” Kaiser Wilhelm II and “Führer Number 3” Adolf Hitler. It argues that German youth were especially dangerous because they had spent their entire lives under the Nazi regime.
An edited and rewritten version of the film, Hitler Lives, was released commercially the same year, and won the Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject.
The ABC of Hand Tools is a 1946 Disney animated short film sponsored by General Motors.
Disney is always good, but I take special delight in its upbeat, “of COURSE we can build the future” opening montage. I miss that optimistic attitude in America. Some days it really feels like Obama beat it out of us with his insidious health care law.
This is an educational film in two parts. Part one covers metal shop, and part two covers wood shop. Primitive Pete does everything wrong in both environments. He uses the tools incorrectly, allowing the narrator to correct him. It also features his female counterpart, who is constantly distracting him.
I actually remember being show this one in my shop class, so I’ll count this one as effective propaganda.
By the way, I’ve only embedded part 1. I couldn’t find part 2, but I did find this link to a “full version”. I chose not to use it because they clipped the credits. Anyway, jump to 17:18 for part 2.
“Jack Webb (Dragnet) plays a Rod Serling-like role as he introduces us to Jerry Donovan – an average guy who shrugs off his inconvenient, civic responsibilities. Jerry “wakes up” in a communist-controlled town, where he’s the only American left. This film was produced for the Defense Department by studio mogul Jack L.Warner and stars many Warner Brothers stock actors – including Jack Kelly (Maverick), Robert Conrad (Wild Wild West) and Andrew Duggan.”
For my part, although I thought the acting was passable, the storyline of the script just left me baffled. Apparently the moral of the story is that if you don’t attend PTA meetings, you’ll be shot in the head by communists.
Nevertheless, worth a watch. Just don’t expect Twilight-Zone-level plot-coherence.
One thing that did occur to me, though… during the “nightmare” sequence, Jerry’s oldest daughter mutates into Sandra Fluke.
A younger, hotter Sandra Fluke, to be sure, but still just as willing to mouth the socially-acceptable “party line” of her peer-group while vociferously rejecting the morals and values of her parents (or at least her father).
As for the younger kids, it’s basically the 60’s version of having your kids come home and unplugging your computer because they were told at school that you’re “killing polar bears by using electricity.”
From circa 1977, economist Milton Friedman eats a snot-nosed young liberal for breakfast in “Milton Friedman Puts A Young Michael Moore In His Place” [via Fox Nation]:
Now… is that REALLY Michael Moore, or is the guy who uploaded the video just using “Michael Moore” as a generic epithet meaning ANY snot-nosed young liberal?
I don’t know, Google is decidedly unhelpful, and it really doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you get to watch a scrumptiously epic intellectual beat-down.
UPDATE: I Own the World makes a convincing case that it’s not actually Michael Moore.
We’re gonna…
Cap and trade
all carbon emissions
gonna cap and trade
that will be our mission
We’re gonna cap and trade
see what I mean
the government is
going green today…
We cap and trade.
See cap and trade
charges folks for releasing carbon
like companies that use
vehicles that park and
utilities and factories
who pass the cost
to people who will pay
for cap and trade
It sounds like cap and trade
is a tax we pay then
No sir, cap and trade
is just a regulation
See tax is when there’s
money spent
this is just a fee to the government
It’s cap and trade.
So with cap and trade
won’t things be more expensive?
Well just…everything
but don’t be so apprehensive
Just clothes and food
and heating bills
and anything that needs
to be shipped will
be raised
with cap and trade.
But how is cap and trade
not a tax there, sonny
when we all have to pay
the government our money
You don’t seem to understand my friend
we’re going green, doesn’t that make sense?
they’ll pay
for cap and trade.
Sounds like cap and trade
is some sort of weird humor
because these fees will just be
passed on to the consumer
Yes, but check this chart
you’ll see for sure
the biggest burden will be
on the poor who’ll pay
for cap and trade
See who cares if cost of most goods go higher?
And household income levels all go down?
and if estimated environmental impact is not really calculable,,,
Oh, what a scene, I’m really keen
the government is going green
We’re going green
with cap and trade!
Remember back when the debt was only $5 trillion? This video makes me really miss those days.
It also offers a brief history of our national debt, and speaks of the debt in disparaging tones while calling it names – a combination which some Monster-Americans may find offensive.
In 1961, Ronald Reagan recorded a spoken-word LP (that’s a 12-inch grooved vinyl disc, for you folks born after 1990 – we used to play them on our gramophones) with a brilliant diatribe against Medicare called “Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine“:
There’s no actual video to this video, so you’ll have to find another way to amuse yourself for 10 minutes while you listen. I recommend spending the time taking notes so you can throw Reagan’s arguments in the faces of any moron that thinks that socialized medicine is a good idea.
My favorite part is how he talks about Medicare being just an early first step toward introducing a national program of socialized medicine.