Unfinished (ok, barely started) script: Fun Facts About Fun Facts About the 50 States:
No animals were harmed during the making of Fun Facts About the 50 States. Except for my neighbor’s yippy terrier, which died of a mysterious boot-related ailment.
FFA50S typically consist of part truth, part exaggeration, and part hallucinogenic side effects from Prozac.
A lot of people have written to report factual or logical errors contained in particular Fun Facts. These people should leave me alone and go back to stalking supermodels.
Statistically speaking, my most overused reference is “Ted Kennedy”, which just proves that there IS a silver lining to his inexplicably long political career.
Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Stories: The Tortoise and the Hare
Frank J: My Superpower
Buck the Marine: Batman
Spacemonkey: American Monkey
SarahK: My Superpower
Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 3)
SarahK reviews Toby Keith’s Big Throwdown Tour #2
Left-Wing Superheroes (Part 4)
Frank: Conclusion
Note: Due to an error in editing down my Fun Facts material, former producer Scott cut out the line that I used as a callback during my epilogue. Here it is for reference:
“Idaho law forbids children from deliberately stepping on ants. The kids don’t mind too much, however, since pistol-whipping them is still legal.”
If you are able to assist Harvey during this time, it would be greatly appreciated.