Best of the Web yesterday had a item entitled “Civil Liberties, Europe Style” that reminded me of an important fact: while people may complain about infringement of some rights here, all other countries completely suck on that issue. It’s like we’re the only ones even know what liberty is. The French are always jailing and fining people for speech they don’t like, Britain thinks nothing of people’s privacy, and Canada… well let’s just say I try not spend much time there because Lord knows what kind of Mickey Mouse law I could suddenly be charged with (and I won’t repeat that in French). Once we’re done “regime changing” our enemies until they are all dead and buried, we need to start a campaign to educate other countries so that maybe they can achieve but a hundredth of our greatest.
Also, for a while I’ve been wanting to spout off about the oft used phrase, “America is the only civilized country that…” such as in “America is the only civilized country that has the death penalty.” It would be a fine phrase indeed, except that it’s used to criticize the U.S. instead of other “civilized” countries. Now, it’s obvious that America is the greatest country ever and the only one God likes, so wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that to achieve this unique greatness we would do tons of things that other countries don’t? So, shouldn’t the phrase “America is the only civilized country that…” be followed by the phrase “So that’s what all you other countries should emulate so that you might be less pathetic than you are now. Oh yeah, and bathe more often, too.”