I’ve decided to begin compiling all my beliefs into one file so it will be easier for people to know what to think. My first three topics are guns, drug legalization, and the circumference of the earth. I will eventually try and cover all the big topics, but any suggestions would be appreciated (if Haloscan isn’t being fussy).
NOTE: Opinions are not up for argument. If you disagree with any of them, just accept that you are wrong. You’ll be stronger for it.
UPDATE: Doug Murray of Cracker Commentary has this to say about my circumference of the earth measurement:
“Your three mile discrepancy is easy to understand; I saw it often when I was in accounting.
“You number is obviously more recent, so you probably used more advanced equipment, say, Tape Measure 9.08, and needed only a single measurement. Your predecessors would have had more primitive gear and needed to add up several readings. In doing so, someone might have fat-fingered a digit one row too high (e.g. 6 for 3) resulting in this all too common error.
“Of course, there is the possibility, since most materials shrink as they cool, that both readings are correct and you have just disproved global warming.”
He sounds like he knows what’s he’s talking about, so I must have disproved global warming. How do I get money for that?