So now the question is what kind of government should we, the benevolent U.S., establish in Iraq. Before they had a dictator, which made them a dictocracy. Most people want to now establish a democracy, but that doesn’t just magically make a good government like some people think. What if the people voting are all jackasses and they elect crack mayors like in D.C.? So here are some other government suggestions.
Republic: This is where Republicans rule the government. This is the one we have and the best of the imperfect governments.
Monarchy: A monarchy is a government ruled by a monarch. According to my dictionary, a monarch is a type of butterfly. This government probably occurs in Europe where people are pansies and might be scared of butterflies. Come on; it’s just a butterfly! Bloody coup!
Anarchy: This is where you loot things and smash windows. It’s a lot of fun until finally you’re like, “Hey, there are no more windows left to smash! Isn’t someone going to fix the windows?” and someone else says, “No, dude, this is an anarchy.” So then another government has to be set up so the windows can be fixed. Thus anarchy can only last in spurts.
Feudal System: This is a system that involves a lot of arguments, or “Feuding”. I think it’s stupid, but others may violently disagree, and then we’d have a feudal system.
Autocracy: This is a government ruled by intelligent automobiles. It is the current government of Japan.
Plutocracy: This is a government ruled by Mickey Mouse’s dog, Pluto, who is tough but fair. Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with the planet Pluto, which I tell you is one day going to collide into Neptune. Yeah, the scientist say that ain’t gonna happen, but I don’t believe them. For God’s sake, stay off of Pluto!
Ninjatocracy: This is a government that involves a lot of flipping around and cutting people’s heads off. It’s totally sweet.
Smurfaucracy: This is a form a government where one Iraqi would be the leader and named “Papa Iraqi” and everyone else would get names based on their personalities, like “Brainy Iraqi”, “Brawny Iraqi”, “Greedy Iraqi”, and “Perverted Iraqi.” One woman would be named “Iraqette.” I’m not sure what would happen to the other women. Also, Iraq and Iraqi would become a universal words that could mean anything – adjective, verb, or noun – just like the f-word but not vulgar. Plus, I think everyone would have to live in mushroom houses. In the one instance this government was practiced, everyone looked happy, but you could sense a deep sadness behind their eyes that told you that everything was not quite so Iraqi.
Popadopalocracy: This is a form of a government that… okay I made this one up.
Chiracracy: Rule comes from a cowardly weasel. Popular in Old Europe.
Benevolent Dictator: This is the theoretical perfect form of government, where one all-knowing and all-caring individual would rule the country– so this is like if I ruled Iraq. But I have a fulltime job and this blog to keep up, so rule your own damn country.
Here’s proof that you can definitely go wrong with a monarchy.
Since 1939, Pacific Grove California has been ruled by omnipotent Monarch butterflies. Every October school children are dressed in butterfly costumes and put on display for the amusement of the Butterfly Queen. The parade is always lead by kindergartners, dressed as Monarch butterflies. Grades 1-6 follow dressed as friends of the Monarchs such as caterpillars, flowers, and trees. It the most insideous form of policical oppression!
A system where the government allows individuals to have just enough say in there own businesses that they think they are making their own decisions.
A system where dissedents are fairly and equally treated to their day in the wood chipper.
You realize that the Smurfs are a French Creation, I hope. This could cause trouble for you in the VRWC to model a government on it.
the smurfs are just plain Communists, really.
whoops, I forgot one; just added it
Somehow I completely overlooked this post until I saw it on Right Wing News! I must be getting senile early.
In any event, well done!
If I post twice in one day I tend to confuse people 🙂
I thought the bolded letters would have helped distinguish it.
“Monarchy: A monarchy is a government ruled by a monarch. According to my dictionary, a monarch is a type of butterfly. This government probably occurs in Europe where people are pansies and might be scared of butterflies. Come on; it’s just a butterfly! Bloody coup!”
That would me a “Mothocracy”, you jackass!
Don’t forget cheer-ocracy. I wouldn’t mind being lorded over by beautiful cheerleaders.
Gangstarocracy. Chronic on da flag yo.
Aristockracy: government ruled by Ari Fleischer and funded by his substantial portfolio. A control study of this paradigm is currently underway in the Fleischer household. Seems to be going well.
Demogogracy: modelled on the current governments of France and Germany.
Socialism: political parties are held where the people can eat, drink and socialize. Sort of like Anarchy but without the window smashing. And oh, B.Y.O.B.
Democracy: Rule by party that gets the most votes. Often called Democrats.
your morons! I was looking for some useful information, not this crap
thank god this isn’t a democracy then
Oligarchy – Country in which all women named Olga are sold off to foreign countries in order to pay off national debts. Currently practiced in Russia if my sources are correct.
Ok, you’re now officially messed up.
I would argue with that you should leave out “smart” from the title. This site is pure BS.
France Sucks
the united states sucks
Kill Faction! Wait…I think Faction is a french guy…hmm…we need a scary cat to kill him.
Or…a dead scary cat…since french people are cowards. Proven by TV….
Chickenism: A government that is ruled by chickens and the world is completely insane.
This is bullshit i was looking for a real site not a page with really bad jokes you dickhead
Er…very unique website. Nice interpretations of the governments, but uh… was kinda hoping for facts about the governments
your page is WEIRD!
Hey, people, it’s not my fault that your Google searches come here. Now be nice.
peacecracy: a government ruled by peace loving hippies who usually only end up getting high and turning there constitution into rolling papers.
When Iraq got blew off the map that was just a prime example of what is going to happen to anybody else who messes with the United States
This site is stupid I expected to get help for my project not this bullshit
this website is a cool when making fun of governments. I am starting a new type of government. Its called the Code of Thomas, named after my father. It is based on a REAL constitutional republic, fascism, and nationalism. And by the way, to hell with the United Nations. Lets send those commies back to France!
I hate the illuminati. They were founded in Germany, with one goal, to destroy all religion and governments.
…..why do all friggin idiots come from Germany and France?
i wannna know what the features are of a dictatorship!!!
This web site is the most incorrect site i have ever visited. I have never heard so much complete shit. Republicans suck, that is why our government is in the crapper right now.
i came to learn stuff but i found this way more amusing than learning.
Hello, its all good. This site didnt have all the types of government with good information about it. I’ll go find a better one. BYE!
I came here looking for information didnt help me much but a laugh then i found a ninja site which was damn funn and i lost my way and forgot what i was doing.
that wuz funny i wuz lookin fo info but i wuz laughing it up i’m still laughing
gay site author should get a life. site sucks. fagget author.
I don’t care what you say you dick I wanted a real web site.
I’m so horny,horny,horny i’m going to bone your grandma
Thanks for having a good web site. I’m sitting history and was looking for types of governments when I cam across this two words YOU FAG
Frank your site is so shit but ill bone your granny anyway my fee is $700
Frank your monkey picture is pretty arousing
frank im so tempted by the picture of the monkey send me a blow up version please.
Hi its me again i still want your granny
Hey Frank that picture of the monkey strayed into my dreams last night could you please sent the plastic blow up version soon i just can’t stop having these solo flights anymore.
iwould like to know about government back in 1730-1944
this is really bad and uneducated information some people want accurate information you wouldn’t know the definition of democracy even if it really did exist and you were living in it.
i was looking for types of government not this bull shit you guys suck ass
“When Iraq got blew off the map that was just a prime example of what is going to happen to anybody else who messes with the United States”
Who ever f***en wrote this is a moron, China has a larger army, North Korea could nuke you’re f***en yakes ass and shut all of you i-breeds up.
Canadian And Proud!
(P.S If you see someone wearing an army uniform, shitting lots, run you f***ing yanks, its shit pants Lee Barber!
So proud he didn’t even post his name.
What’s that aboot?
The proud canadian doesn’t know his geography very well either. If someone nukes the US, I’m thinking that canada is gonna be pretty screwed too…
When the teacher asked Buckwheat to use the word “dictate” in a sentence, he answered,”Darla say my dictate gooood!”
And China’s going to get its army here now…? The Brits showed the way – just control the seas and who gives a shit how many of them there are.
Not sure why some idiot Canadian thinks America getting taken over would be a good thing – doesn’t he like being safe and warm as things are now?
I put yor info in my social stdiez pap3r, and I get a F. My teechur says therez no such th1ng az Ninjatocracy. U SUK!!11 –1k3wl0r
Hilarious, Frank, especially Monarchy. I missed this one the first time, too.
Oh my gosh, that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen! You must’ve had a lot of people linking to you to get such a high search ranking! LOL! I never realized how many idiots there are out there with internet access! (explains Dean’s campaign supporters though… :o)
I think Proud Canadian is right about North Korea. As soon as they perfect their Amphibious Rickshaw Delivery System, they could nuke San Francisco. Or a barge.
Once we get our SDI up and running North Korea and China won’t mean shit to us. THEN we can focus our efforts on Canada and Mexico.
I can’t believe all these morons actually came to the site by accident then left a comment telling Frank how much he sucks for having this site. These people should commit suicide so they don’t propagate more morons.
This is some funny shit
mexico can kick all of ya’lls ass
hell yeah mexico can bring all you mother f***ers down with our home made bombs and shit.
I’m a proud Canadian just like the other bitch canadian
Viva mexico and argentina
Invasion of the third-grade social studies tards… Poor baby got an F…ROFL!!!
Next week’s class topic: How does Google work, and Why You Can’t Believe Everything On The Internet?
Seriously kids! Frank J is an excellent and reliable research source. You can quote me on that!
If you don’t like what Frank writes why do you continue to read it?
ilove frank j
hello frank
Frank is a gay ass bitch who writes dumbass f***ing jokes
this is the most f***ed up site on the universe, i thought it was meant to be slagging monarchy not frank
hey i think this site needs more work okkkkkkkkkkkk you fool how ever made this site souck you know why becuse it doesn’t have all informeantion that people needs like me………….. keep working on this site or that worn’t be good fool
xavi sucks
Marcos sucks
Hey um if any sorry ass third world country ever shot a nuke at us we would just blow the shit out the entire world!!!!! mu hu ha ha ha ha!!! oh and as for you Canadian F***ers, your Country has like 4 people livin in it, and 1 of those is accually in the military. if you piss us off, we’ll just send in some hicks with shotguns tellin them you pansy’s shot Dale Earnheart……….f***in Canadian Pansy’s ……….GO AMERICA!!!!!!!!!
I thought this was REAL information. So i spent all my time looking through THIS and now its time to leave and NOW i’m going to fail and Now my life is ruined… Oh no! What am i going to do. I am writing in despair. My 89th FAILING GRADE!
Thanks a lot!
– done for
“Before they had a dictator, which made them a dictocracy.”
Uhm….shouldn’t it be “dicktator” and “dicktocracy”?
i am gay my name is dave call me on 01509 554089.thaNK YOU AND GOD PLESS I LOVE U ALL VERY MUCH AND I HOPE TO MARRY U ALL !!
nice website
Good job. I wet myself it was so funny.
good job suck harder
funny awesome website.
Funny. I shit my pants Nice dick long and hairy. suck hardrer
Ben hayes likes to fart . i m going to hrow p.
My name is Daniel Glab. I am gay. I met my boyfriend, Ben Hayes off of your site,Ben Hayes
Enjoy reading this post.
I come here looking for information about governments, and all I find is some damn conservative joke site! Thanks a lot, Google! (You piece of shit!)
Putinocracy: A criminal oligarchy, ruled by a former communist, in process of being overthrown by an Islamo-fascist quilting circle of premenstrual ladies in puptents.
Can you erase everything else, and put useful facts?
i was trying to find some info but got s goog laugh instead….thanks…arghhh…back 2 work
whoever made this site is a piece of shit and need to lick a cock.
you really suck this info is useless i hate you
u people have no life and u should go screw a donkey.
nukism:a government where everyone has been nuked and humans have been mutated into hideos and horny monsters.
nukism:a government where everyone has been nuked and humans have been mutated into hideos and horny monsters.
this web site is f***in halarious even though i was looking for diffrent types of goverment im glad i found this it gave me a reason not to do my work
Mr. Rogers is a peice of shit and no1 likes him.
hey man go f*** yourself u peice of shit
u f***in cum shot
no way mr rogers i like grls
Mr Rogers f***ed a donkey last nite
i live in south africa and down here its fonzocracy for all,we all wear leather jackets and slick back our hair,life couldnt get any better….
Great info, very humorous. Now to you canadians QUIT YER BITCHING! All you ever do is cry about big brother America. Hell if I were president I’d have troops invade your sorry ass excuse for a country, and then it would really be a war for…..OIL! How come canadians are so ball-less? Oh is it because you are in bed with that Chiraq guy who has as much relevance as a michael moore movie? Is that it? Well considering that mr PM of france is catering to muslims with islamic law I guess you are doing the same, so regaurdless or not we are going to invade your country anyway because canada harbors terrorists.
Great info, very humorous. Now to you canadians QUIT YER BITCHING! All you ever do is cry about big brother America. Hell if I were president I’d have troops invade your sorry ass excuse for a country, and then it would really be a war for…..OIL! How come canadians are so ball-less? Oh is it because you are in bed with that Chiraq guy who has as much relevance as a michael moore movie? Is that it? Well considering that mr PM of france is catering to muslims with islamic law I guess you are doing the same, so regaurdless or not we are going to invade your country anyway because canada harbors terrorists.
I’m hoping this site is a joke. If not, you’ve at least shown me that there really are people more stupid, ignorant, and arrogant than George W. Bush.
how are u doin
man, you guys that thought this was a real info site and are now bitching your heads off are a bunch of dumbasses.
seriously, the words “let it go” come to mind.
u guys suck
what is a Totalitarian?? i’ve been trying to think about that stupid tongue twister for days!!!!!!!!!
Hey Dagny!!! Thanx for calling me a dumbass you butt muncher!!! I was really dumb enough to think this was actually a info site!!!!! so hahahaha screw you babe!!!!!
Rickie lives to screw with minds!!!!!!!
My crotch burns with the loving fires of Allah!
i dont have time for this shit
Im British and just to let u scummy americans know, we the people of Britain hate you all and wait for the day ur destruction
I was looking for real info!!
IMAOcracy: A stupid government that makes fun of other governments and will get their butts kicked!!!